Political Essay Example
Literature / / July 04, 2021
A essay is a prose text in which the author has the freedom to express a topic in a personal way, that is, being able to express their own opinions or ideas, without having to start from rigid literary structures. Michel de Montaigne (16th century French author) is believed to be the creator of the essay style, although its origin is ancient, its popularity dates from recent times. The topics to be dealt with in an essay are of various kinds: social, philosophical, political, economic, etc.
A political essay is, forgive the redundancy, an essay written from the perspective of politics. In order to be clear about what we mean by this, we should define that politics is that science that deals with the government and organization of human societies, especially state.
Politics is considered to have existed since civilizations arose, since individuals began to create societies and hierarchies. The term itself is related to Aristotle, when in the 5th century he developed his work entitled "Politics."
Probably when listening to political essays those speeches that politicians make when they are in electoral campaigns come to mind; Although the political essay can be used by people who move in that environment, its use in itself is extensive and includes rather political scientists, students, sociologists, researchers, journalists, etc., and it can be to give a social criticism or for whatever purpose the author wants express. We can conclude that a political essay is one that is used for purposes of analysis of the exercise of power.
The challenge that this type of writing represents is that there is no specific method to follow for its writing, However, there are tips and a basic structure that consists of an introduction, a development and a conclusion. The extension of it will depend on the purpose for which you want to create, as well as the audience for which it is created. Here is an example of a political essay:
Example of a political essay: The Political Class of Mexico today
By Andrea Calvillo
Originally, the political class is one that is dedicated to governing, thus understanding the organization and administration of a country in its internal and external affairs. Ideally, politicians look out for the interests of citizens, they work to maintain an organized and functional government system, to give the best opportunities to all peoples. However, we can turn around and without fear of being wrong and without having to be very bright or aware, we can see that this is not happening.
And it is that the system is broken, corrupt; even if a person enters that environment with a good and firm intention to make the change, the system is already so flawed that either does not have the power to do so, or when he gains the power he will have distanced himself quite a bit from his purpose original.
It is said already, but we need a change and we know it; We have explicitly waited for one since Vicente Fox's administration, there has been a lot of talk and there have been many complaints and the public is already very tired, without However, as long as each of us continues to live as we have done in recent years, decades, centuries... "a change" is not going to be. possible.
It must start from the owners of small and medium-sized companies, who do not respect the rights of their workers; from the workers of large corporations who accept “gifts” that enrich their own pockets at the expense of their company's projects. Young people who, either through ignorance or unconsciousness, break the law and in order not to face their responsibility resort to corruption; and especially in families, where they spend more time watching television, playing video game consoles or with novelty gadgets, than teaching and educating their children values.
The famous change that we all want and hope for is not going to come overnight, or with a new administration, because change is not going to happen from top to bottom, but vice versa. Let us not forget that in democracy, the people are the ones who have power, let us exercise it or allow it to continue to be taken away from us. And if we continue in the same situation, and we do not want to move or act, if we want to continue allowing the abuses of power, that's fine, but let's do it consciously, now without complaints, without being the victims of the story, that we do not gain anything by putting our determination to speak ill of our rulers, if we continue living sitting on our laurels, living same.