50 Examples of Verbs to cite authors
Miscellanea / / September 14, 2021
Verbs to cite authors
The verbs to cite authors are used in a text written when you want to introduce an idea of another author or the words that another person said. For instance: explain, postulate, sentence.
Quotations are used to mention what another person said or wrote, to justify and exemplify a concept or theory, and to analyze or comment on a text. This type of mentions can be:
In both types of appointments you can use the same verbs, which are, for the most part, speaking verbs, that is, verbs that refer to communication actions.
Verbs to cite authors
clear out | defend | watch |
warn | define | opine |
say | show | to think |
add | name | pose |
allude | describe | postulate |
analyze | deny | propose |
Add | highlight | ratify |
to argue | emphasize | emphasize |
insure | enumerate | recommend |
compare | enunciate | refer |
check | establish | refute |
conclude | expose | relate |
to consider | express | to reveal |
to believe | indicate | point |
tell | insinuate | to hold |
to declare | manifest | suggest |
deduct | to mention | check |
Sentences with verbs to cite authors
- Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentine writer, in his essay "The postulation of reality" He stablishes that "imprecision is tolerable or plausible in literature, because we tend to it in reality."
- Chaplin he considered that all people had to believe in themselves, because without trust, the world would be doomed.
- In the preface to the book the author he exposed that "reality is completely historical, and this reality, and not the hereafter, must be read and understood in accordance with laws that develop slowly."
- On The Republic Plato holds that not all people can access the world of ideas.
- Jean-Luc Godard express at the beginning of History (s) of cinema an idea that will be central to all of his work: “don't go to show / all aspects of things / reserve for yourself / a margin / of indefiniteness”.
- The American filmmaker concludes that thanks to meditation, he is calmer and better able to carry out daily tasks.
- Alain Badiou, the French philosopher, postulate that to analyze the twentieth century it is necessary to ask "(...) what is the moment of exception that erases the twentieth century?".
- Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, declares "I discovered one day that it was not the medical conception of the dream, but the popular one, still half rooted in superstition, the closest to the truth."
- Gandhi he claimed that "The day the power of love annuls the love of power, the world will know peace."
- Aristotle stressed that "One does not know what he knows until he can teach another."
- Wittgenstein, the mathematician and philosopher, highlighted that "about what cannot be said anything, it is better to keep quiet".
- The leader of the band said that this would be his last tour.
- The literary critic believe that every fictional text is in some way a journey, an Iliad or an Odyssey.
- At present, there are many analyzes on the phrase that he enunciated Descartes: "I think, therefore I am."
- Sports journalist hinted that the referee had mischarged the foul.
- Michel Foucault holds that "the order from which we think does not have the same way of being as that of the classics", is In other words, the relationship between language and thought has changed considerably since the Antiquity.
- In the "Second manifesto" of the literary experimentation group OULIPO, describes to poetry as "a simple art that resides entirely in execution."
- Werner Herzog, the film director, assures that "scripts have always been literary works that stand on their own."
- Roland Barthes in the "Preface to the First Edition" of Mythologieswarns that “at that time I understood the word in a traditional sense; but I was already convinced of something from which I have later tried to extract all its consequences: myth is a language ”.
- Jacques Rancière compare painting with cinema, regarding how the subjects are represented: “Only the machine makes no difference. He does not know that there are genre paintings and history paintings. Take the great and the humble alike; take them together ”.
- Saussure He considers that the sign is composed of two parts: the signified and the signifier.
- The author Add that to carry out her research “it is not about dealing with social facts as things but about analyzing how social facts are made things, how and by whom they are solidified and endowed with duration and stability".
- The author difference the irony of satire, because He considers that only the latter is "the literary form that aims to correct, ridicule them, some vices and ineptitudes of behavior."
- The historian suggests that a historical text is also a story.
- Boris groys proposes to differentiate the analysis made of a work from an aesthetic perspective, such as the attitude of the spectator-consumer, of the analysis that is made from a poetic perspective, such as the attitude that the author-producer of the work.
How it is cited in research papers or monographs
When citations are included in this type of text, the sources must be mentioned, that is, who produced the cited concept and in what text. For this, the APA rules, which are considered necessary for both verbatim and indirect citations.
Depending on the appointment, the following information is included:
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