Example of Acute Words Ending In N
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
The sharp wordsare those in which the accent falls on the last syllable. This syllable is tonic and is pronounced with more force than the other syllables of the acute word (unstressed syllables). Sharp words may or may not have an accent or graphic accent (´) depending on the accentuation rules of sharp words.
The sharp words ending in n always have an accent. The accent or graphic accent is placed on the stressed vowel (the vowel of the syllable that is pronounced with more intensity). For instance:
- Performance (ac - tua - tion): the word has an accent because it is acute that ends in n; the tilde is placed over the stressed vowel ó
- They will find (against - rán): it has an accent because it is an acute word ending in n; the tilde is placed over the stressed vowel á
The words waters They also have an accent when they end in s or in vowel. For instance: compass (com - pass), came (a - cu - it gave).
We can also find the following types of words according to their stress:
- Serious words: the accent falls on the penultimate syllable, they are accentuated when they end in a consonant, except n o For example: easy (fa - cyl), Toner (to - ner).
- Words esdrújulas: the accent falls on the third to last syllable, they are always stressed, for example, cusp (cus - asks), emblematic (em - ble - more - ti - co).
- Words sobreesdrújulas: the accent falls on a syllable before the penultimate, they are always stressed, for example describe it to me (des - I raised - be - me - lo), buy it from him (com - pra - se - lo).
- Continue with: Sharp words ending in s
150 Examples of sharp words ending in n:
Remember that all acute words ending in n have an accent in the stressed vowel:
- Abstraction (abs - trac - tion)
- Action (ac - tion)
- Acceptance (a - cep - ta - tion)
- Accordion (a - cor - deon)
- Dimensioning (a - co - ta - tion)
- Update (ac - tua - li - za - tion)
- Accumulation (a - cu - mu - la - tion)
- Adam (A - dan)
- Addiction (a - dec - tion)
- Administration (ad - mi - nis - tra - tion)
- Admiration (ad - mi - ra - tion)
- Admission (ad - mi - Zion)
- Adoration (a - do - ra - tion)
- Eagerness (A - fan)
- Stinger (a - gui - jón)
- Alcalá (Al - ca - the)
- Spoiler (a - le - Ron)
- Cotton (al - go - Don)
- Warehouse (al - ma - cen)
- Alteration (al - te - ra - tion)
- Amen (to - men)
- Andén (an - dén)
- Host (an - fi - trion)
- They will learn (a - pren - de - rán)
- Airplane (to - vion)
- Hornet (a - vis - put)
- Pennant (ban - of - wheel)
- Bethlehem (be - len)
- Bitumen (be - you n)
- Baby bottle (bi - be - Ron)
- Newsletter (bo - le - tin)
- Bottle (bo - te - llón)
- Jester (bu - phone)
- Boomerang (bu - me - rán)
- Cayman (cai - man)
- Zucchini (ca - la - ba - cin)
- Chameleon (ca - ma - Lion)
- Chives (ce - bo - llin)
- Shaman (cha - man)
- Belt (cin - you - Ron)
- Collision (co - li - Zion)
- Correction (cor - rrec - tion)
- They will fulfill (cum - pli - rán)
- Coupon (cu - put)
- Healing (cu - ra - tion)
- Decision (de - ci - Zion)
- Declension (de - cli - na - tion)
- Deformation (de - for - ma - tion)
- Deportation (from - to - to - tion)
- Unhappiness (de - sa - zone)
- Desman (des - man)
- Fingerboard (dia - pa - are)
- Diction (dec - tion)
- They will dose (do - si - fi - ca - rán)
- Edition (e - di - tion)
- Building (e - di - fi - ca - tion)
- Quilt (e - dre - Don)
- Education (e - du - ca - tion)
- Issuance (e - mi - Zion)
- Emotion (e - mo - tion)
- Push (em - pu - jón)
- Erosion (e - ro - tion)
- Link (es - la - bon)
- Station (es - ta - tion)
- Evasion (e - va - Zion)
- Evocation (e - vo - ca - tion)
- Extension (ex - ten - tion)
- Fabulation (fa - bu - la - tion)
- Counterfeiting (fal - si - fi - ca - tion)
- Braggart (fan - fa - rrón)
- Pharaoh (fa - ra - on)
- Stove (fo - gon)
- Training (for - ma - tion)
- Foundation (fun - da - tion)
- Fusion (fu - Zion)
- Futon (fu - ton)
- Enabling (ha - bi - li - ta - tion)
- Hibernation (hi - ber - na - tion)
- Swelling (hin - cha - zone)
- Lazy (hol - ga - zan)
- Humidification (hu - mi - di - fi - ca - tion)
- Ferret (hu - Ron)
- Illusion (i - lu - Zion)
- They will illustrate (i - lus - tra - rán)
- Imantation (i - man - ta - tion)
- Imputation (im - pu - ta - tion)
- Infection (in - fec - tion)
- Infusion (in - fu - Zion)
- Immersion (in - mer - tion)
- Installation (ins - ta - la - tion)
- Invocation (in - vo - ca - tion)
- Soap (ha - bon)
- Garden (jar - dín)
- Jasmine (jaz - min)
- Jerusalem (Je - ru - sa - len)
- Home run (jon - Ron)
- Retirement (ju - bi - la - tion)
- Playful (ju - gue - ton)
- Jurisdiction (ju - ris - dec - tion)
- Justification (jus - ti - fi - ca - tion)
- Kerosene (ke - ro - sen)
- Lacón (the - with)
- Lactation (lac - ta - tion)
- Thief (the - drone)
- Lagrimón (la - gri - mon)
- Lambiscón (lam - bis - with)
- Latin (the - tin)
- Limitation (li - mi - ta - tion)
- Lemon (li - mon)
- Litigation (li - ti - ga - tion)
- Lotion (what - tion)
- Locution (lo - cu - tion)
- Dislocation (lu - xa - tion)
- Maturation (ma - du - ra - tion)
- Tape recorder (mag - ne - to - phone)
- They will maintain (maintain - ten - drán)
- Marathon (ma - ra - ton)
- Brown (ma - rrón)
- Medellin (Me -de - llin)
- Modification (mo - di - fi - ca - tion)
- Trousers (pan - ta - lon)
- Parabién (pa -ra - well)
- Sorry (per - Don)
- Perfection (per - fec - tion)
- Weighting (pon - de - ra - tion)
- Pudding (pu - dín)
- Saying (re - frank)
- Hostage (re - hen)
- Restoration (res - tau - ra - tion)
- Solution (so - lu - tion)
- Snitch (so - plon)
- Suction (suc - tion)
- Sultan (sul - so)
- Submission (su - my - Zion)
- Also (tam - well)
- Buffer (tam - put)
- Tarantín (ta - ran - tin)
- Termination (ter - mi - na - tion)
- Tostón (cough - ton)
- Bustle (tra - jin)
- Trampoline (tram - po - line)
- Toucan (you - dog)
- Location (u - bi - ca - tion)
- They will locate (u - bi - ca - rán)
- Union (u - nion)
- Violin (saw - line)
- They will live (vi - vi - rán)
- Zaguán (za - guán)
- Zahén (za - hen)
- Dive (zam - bu - llón)
It may interest you:
- Sharp words ending in s
- Treble word ending in vowel
- Sharp words without accent
Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Example of Acute Words Ending In N.Example of. Retrieved on October 29, 2021 from https://www.ejemplode.com/12-clases_de_espanol/5248-ejemplo_de_palabras_agudas_terminadas_en_n.html