Example of Serious Words With Tilde
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
We know as grave words to those stressed words that have the accent on the penultimate syllable, which is pronounced with more force compared to the other syllables and is known as stressed syllable.
According to the spelling rules for serious words, you are always they carry an accent when they end in any consonant other than n or s. For example, they have an accent if they end in l, m, s, r, etc.
- Dollar (do - lar): this grave word has an accent because it ends in the consonant r
- Tunnel (your - nel):): this grave word has an accent because it ends in the consonant l
On the other hand also there is an exception, serious words have an accent if they end in a hiatus that breaks the last syllable, and a tilde must be placed on the stressed vowel, for example:
- Days (gave - as): even though it ends in yes, this word has a tilde for the hiatus i-a
- Cold (cold - o): even though it ends in a vowel, this word has a tilde for the hiatus í - o
In addition, we also have the following classes of words according to their stress:
- Sharp words: have the accent on the last syllable, for example song (e - can - tion), addiction (a - dec - tion). They are accentuated if they end in n, s, or in vowel.
- Words esdrújulas: have the accent on the third to last syllable, for example, accomplice (com - pli - ce), classic (clá - yes - co). They are always accentuated.
- Words sobreesdrújulas: have the accent before the penultimate syllable, for example, save it for me (save - give it to me), introduce me (pre - sen - ta - me - lo).
- Continue with: Sharp words with tilde
200 Examples of grave words with tilde:
150 Examples of grave words with accents ending in a consonant (except n, s):
- Aerobics (a - e - ró - bic)
- Agile (á - gil)
- Album (to the - boom)
- Alcazar (to - ca - czar)
- Syrup (al - my - Pub)
- Amber (A.M - Pub)
- Angel (an - gel)
- Apostle (to - poster - tol)
- Tree (ar - bowl)
- Archangel (ar - dog - gel)
- Asp (ace - pid)
- Automobile (au - to - mo - vile)
- Sugar (a - zú - car)
- Biceps (bi - ceps)
- Bolivar (bo - li - var)
- Borax (bo - rax)
- Boxer (bo - xer)
- Bunker (good - ker)
- Stock market (bur - sat - useful)
- Corpse (ca - gives - watch)
- Cadiz (AC - diz)
- Chalice (AC - liz)
- Cancer (dog - cer)
- Cannibal (ca - neither - bal)
- Character (ca - rac - ter)
- Jail (car - cel
- Poster (car - tel
- Castor (cás - tor)
- Catheter (ca - tea - ter
- Zenith (EC - nit)
- Grass (cés - ped)
- Tracksuit (chán - dal)
- Closet (cló - set)
- Cocktail (coc - tel)
- Codex (co - dex)
- Comic (co - mic)
- Condor (with - dor)
- Consul (with - sul)
- Crater (Ave - ter)
- Cricket (I raised - quet)
- Christopher (cris - to - bal)
- Cumel (what - mel)
- Cutter (what - ter)
- Date (gives - useful)
- Weak (from - bil)
- Difficult (say - fy - cil)
- I would say (say - laugh - to)
- Dociledo - cil)
- Dollar (do - lar)
- Ductile (duc - til)
- Duo (duo - o)
- Erectile (e - rec - useful)
- Sterile (is - tea - ril)
- Manure (es - tiér - col)
- Ether (é - ter)
- Easy (fa - cil)
- Facsimile (fa - yes - thousand)
- Factotum (fac - to - tum)
- Femur (fe - mur)
- Phoenix (faith - nix)
- Fertile (fer - useful)
- Folder (Folio - right)
- Forceps (for - ceps)
- Forum (fo - rum)
- Fossil (fo - sil)
- Frísol (cold - sun)
- Soccer (football - bowl)
- Gangster (gangs - ter)
- Gospel (go - pel)
- Gutierrez (Gu - tie - rrez)
- Skillful (he has - bil)
- Hamster (hams - ter)
- Hector (Hec - tor)
- Guest (guests - ped)
- Ditto (í - dem)
- Pre-pubescent (im - pu - ber)
- Indócil (in - do - cil)
- Infertile (in - fer - useful)
- Unskilled (in - he has - bil)
- Item (í - tem)
- Jiménez (Ji - I - nez)
- Juarez (Juá - rez)
- Ketchup (ketchup)
- Kindergarten (Kindergarten - Right)
- Labile (The - bi)
- Pencil (the - piz)
- Laser (la - be)
- Latex (the - tex)
- Lemur (you - mur)
- Leader (li - right)
- Lopez (It - fish)
- Marble (sea - mole)
- Martinez (Mar - you - nez)
- Marquez (Sea - quez)
- Martyr (sea - tir)
- Master (plus - ter)
- Mater (more - ter)
- Mister (my - ter)
- Modem (mo - dem)
- Mórtem (mor - tem)
- Mobile (mo - vile)
- Mother of pearl (na - car)
- Nectar (nec - tar)
- Nestor (Nés - tor
- Niger (neither - ger)
- Nickel (neither - quel)
- Onyx (ó - nix)
- Òscar (You - car)
- Paddle (pa - of the)
- Pérez (Pé - rez)
- Polyester (po - liés - ter)
- Póney (po - ney)
- Poker (po - dear)
- Pencil holder (per - ta - the - piz)
- Portable (for - tá - useful)
- Poster (poster - ter)
- Princes (prince - ceps)
- Prócer (pro - cer)
- Pubescent (pu - ber)
- Boxer (pu - gil)
- Record (re - cord)
- Revolver (re - vol - watch)
- Mascara (laugh - mel)
- Rodriguez (Ro - dri - guez)
- Simile (Yes - thousand)
- Super (its - per)
- Touch (tác - useful)
- Tibet (you - bet)
- Tlaloc (Tlá - loc)
- Toner (to - ner)
- Thorax (to - rax)
- Totem (to - tem)
- Totum (to - tum)
- Trailer (bring - ler)
- Clover (tre - bowl)
- Triceps (trí - ceps)
- Trivium (trí - vium)
- Tunnel (your - nel)
- Tunisia (your - nez)
- Useful (ú - useful)
- Toilet (he - ter)
- Plausible (ve - ro - Yes - thousand)
- Versatile (see - sat - useful)
- Vibrátil (vi - bra - useful)
- Vazquez (Vaz - quez)
- Vitor (saw - tor)
- Xóchitl (Xó - chitl)
- Yérsey (jér - sey)
- Yóquey (me - what and)
- Zoster (zós - ter)
50 serious words with tilde (ending in hiatus):
- Agony (a - go - neither - to)
- Joy (a - le - yelled - to)
- Amnesty (am - nis - you - to)
- Anarchy (a - nar - here - to)
- Advocacy (a - bo - ga - c - to)
- Anarchy (a - nar - here - to)
- I was learning (a - pren - gave - to)
- Apology (a - po - lo - gí - to)
- Biology (bio - lo - gí - to)
- Biography (bio - gra - fy - to)
- Costume jewelery (bi - su - te - laugh - to)
- Owl (bu - ho)
- Bahia (ba - hi - to)
- Bajío (ba - hee - o)
- Wasteland (bal - gave - o)
- Cockatoo (ca - ca - your - to)
- Carpentry (car - pin - te - laugh - to)
- Cremería (cre - me - laugh - to)
- Brotherhood (co - fra - gave - to)
- Butcher shop (car - ni - ce - laugh - to)
- I should (de - be - laugh - to)
- Dynasty (di - nas - you - to)
- Defend (de - fen - de - laugh - to)
- Would dominate (do - mi - na - laugh - to)
- Duo (duo - o)
- Energy (e - ner - gí - to)
- Nursing (en - fer - me - laugh - to)
- I understood (en - ten - gave - to)
- Hardware store (fe - rre - te - laugh - to)
- Greengrocer (fru - te - laugh - to)
- Cold (cold - o)
- Crowd (gen - you - o)
- Gendarmerie (gen - give - me - laugh - to)
- Crane (crane - to)
- Melody (me - lo - gave - to)
- Master (master - trí - to)
- Ear (or - í - c)
- Spelling (or - to - gra - fy - to)
- Poetry (po - e - Yes - to)
- Police (po - li - c - to)
- I preferred (pre - fe - laugh - to)
- Wisdom (sa - bi - du - laugh - to)
- Sacristy (sa - cris - you - to)
- Tuning (sin - to - neither - to)
- Trio (trí - o)
- Still (to - da - saw - to)
- Symphony (sin - fo - neither - to)
- He lived (I saw - saw - to)
- Vocerío (vo - ce - laugh - o)
- I would go back (come back- laugh - to)
It may interest you:
- Serious words without accent or tilde
- Esdrújulas words without orthographic accent or tilde
Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Example of Serious Words With Tilde.Example of. Retrieved on October 29, 2021 from https://www.ejemplode.com/12-clases_de_espanol/5245-ejemplo_de_palabras_graves_con_tilde.html