Serious Words 200 Examples
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
Grave words, also known as paroxitones, are those in which the prosodic accent is located on the penultimate syllable. This means that the syllable that is pronounced with the greatest intensity, known as stressed syllable, is the penultimate syllable of the word. The other syllables that make up the word are unstressed because they are pronounced without relief. For example, the word sugar It is serious because the accent falls on the syllable zú (to - zú - car).
When do serious words have an accent?
Spelling rules for serious words:
1. Grave words they have a spelling accent or accent whenend in any consonant except "n" or "s". For instance:
- Useless (in - wildebeest - til): the stressed syllable is the penultimate: wildebeest. It has a spelling accent since it ends in a consonant
- Thorax (to - rax): the stressed syllable is the penultimate: to. It has a spelling accent since it ends in a consonant x
2. Grave words they are not accentuated if they end in a vowel, for example to - me - go, des -
cuen - to, etc. This rule can be broken in case of a hiatus at the end of the word, since the break between two vowels must be accentuated (for example, in bio - lo - gí - to, gave - a, a - cen - your - an).- Follow with Words esdrújulas.
Here is a list of 200 examples of serious words with and without accent marks. In each example, the word is separated into syllables and the stressed syllable of the grave word (the penultimate syllable) is highlighted in bold.
100 Examples of serious words with tilde
- Album (to the - boom)
- Alcazar (to - AC - tsar)
- Ensign (to - faith - rez)
- Amber (A.M - Pub)
- Angel (an - gel)
- Tree (ar bowl)
- Archangel (ar - dog - gel)
- Asp (ace - pid)
- Harmony (ar - mo - neither - to)
- Automobile (au - to - mo - vile)
- Harmony (ar - mo - neither - to)
- Sugar (a - zú - car)
- Baez (ba - ez)
- I would drink (be - be - laugh - to)
- Bahia (ba - hi - to)
- Biceps (bi - ceps)
- Barahúnda (ba - ez)
- I would drink (be - be - laugh - to)
- Benítez (be - neither - complexion)
- Bermúdez (Ber - mú - dez)
- Bolivar (bo - li - var)
- Corpse (ca - gives - watch
- Chalice (AC - liz)
- Cancer (dog - cer)
- Cadiz (AC - diz)
- Jail (car - cel)
- Catheter (ca - tea - ter)
- Cease (EC - he)
- Grass (cés - ped)
- Climax (cli - max)
- Condor (with - dor)
- Consul (with - sul)
- Cortázar (Cor - tá - tsar)
- Crater (Ave - ter)
- Crémor (I believed - mor)
- Christopher (Cris - to - bal)
- Cuauhtémoc (Cuauh - tea - moc)
- Date (gives - useful)
- Weak (from - bil)
- Difficult (say - fy - cil)
- Dociledo - cil)
- Dollar (do - lar)
- Ductile (duc - useful)
- Duo (duo - o)
- Enriquez (In - laugh - quez)
- Nursing (en - fer - me - laugh - to)
- Sterile (is - tea - ril)
- Ether (é - ter)
- Easy (fa - cil)
- Femur (faith - mur)
- Greengrocer (fru - te - laugh - to)
- Fertile (fer - useful)
- Fluorine (floo - or)
- Soccer (football - bowl)
- González (Gon - za - lez)
- Skillful (he has - bil)
- Gossip (ha - bla - du - laugh - as)
- Hector (Hec - tor)
- Hyper (hi - per)
- Henríquez (Hen - laugh - quez)
- Jiménez (Ji - I - nez)
- Pencil (the - piz)
- Leader (li - right)
- I would (lo - gra - laugh - to)
- Lopez (it - fish)
- Marble (sea - mole)
- Martinez (Mar - you - nez)
- Martyr (sea - tir)
- Mast (plus - useful)
- Mobile (mo - vile)
- Mother of pearl (na - car)
- Normandy (nor - man - gave - to)
- Nectar (nec - tar)
- Nestor (Nés - tor)
- Nickel (neither - quel)
- Paddle (pa - of the)
- Police (po - li - c - to)
- Oscar (You - car)
- Pérez (Pé - rez)
- Poker (po - dear)
- Poster (poster - ter)
- Prócer (pro - cer)
- Procuraduría (pro - cu - ra - du - laugh - to)
- Boxer (pu - gil)
- Ramírez (Ra - my - rez)
- Revolver (re - vol - watch)
- Rodriguez (Ro - dri - guez)
- Record (re - cord)
- Mascara (laugh - mel)
- Secretariat (se - cre - ta - laugh - to)
- Simile (Yes - thousand)
- Suarez (suá - rez)
- Touch (tác - useful)
- Nonsense (ton - you - laugh - to)
- Tangier (so - ger)
- Trailer (bring - ler)
- Clover (tre - bowl)
- Toner (to - ner)
- Thorax (to - rax)
- Tunnel (your - nel)
100 Examples of grave words without accent
- Standard bearer (a - ban - de - ra - c)
- Flagging (a - ban - de - ra - while - to)
- Abandoned (a - ban - do - na - c)
- Fan (a - ba - neither - ca)
- Fan (a - b - neither - co)
- Crowded (a - bar - rro - ta - c)
- Supply (to - bas - to)
- Abolengo (a - bo - len - go)
- Abortive (a - bor - you - vo)
- Abrasive (a - bra - Yes - vo)
- Clamp (a - bra - za - from - ra)
- Absolute (ab - so - lu - to - River)
- Abstentionism (abs - ten - cio - nis - mo)
- Boo (a - bu - che - o)
- Grandmother good - the)
- Watercolor (a - cua - re - the)
- Aquarius (a - what - River)
- Accused (a - cu - sa - c)
- Administrative (ad - mi - nis - tra - you - vo)
- Customs (to - dua - na)
- Adult (to - dul - to)
- Bricklayers (añ - ba - neither - them)
- Amazon (a - ma - zo - nas)
- Before (an - tes)
- Arrecife (a - rre - ci - faith)
- Attentive (to - have - to)
- Wasp (a - vis - pa)
- Babilla (ba - bi - lla)
- Bank (ban - co)
- Brigade (bri - ga - gives)
- Flock (ban - gives - gives)
- Bandit (ban - gave - c)
- Banker (ban - that - ro)
- Baroness (ba - ro - ne - sa)
- Beneficiary (be - ne - fi - Inc - River)
- Buscapleitos (bus - ca - plei - cough)
- Sweet potato (ca - mo - tea)
- Camouflage (ca - mu - fla - heh)
- Carmen (Car - menu)
- Jacket (cha - that - ta)
- Closing (cie - rre)
- Figure (ci - fra)
- Cicada (ci - ga - rra)
- Cigarette (ci - ga - rri - llo)
- Stork (ci - güe - ña)
- Cylinder (ci - lin - dro)
- Top (ci - ma)
- Five (cin - co)
- Waistband (cin - you - lla)
- Waist (cin - your - ra)
- Swan (cis - ne)
- Clairvoyance (cla - ri - vi - den - Inc)
- Chlorophyll (chlo - ro - fi - the)
- Blanket (co - bi - ha)
- Crime (cri - menu)
- Notebook (notebook) der - no)
- Destination (des - you - no)
- Decisive (de - ci - Yes - vo)
- Finger (from - gives - zo)
- Where (Don - from)
- Eclipse (e - clip - I know)
- Electrode (e - lec - not - c)
- Elephant (e - le - fan - tea)
- Elegant (e - le - gan - tea)
- Element (e - le - men - to)
- Elitist (e - li - tis - ta)
- Ambassador (em - ba - ja - do - ra)
- Reservoir (em - bal - I know)
- Exam (e - for - menu)
- Fluorescence (fluo - re - scen - Inc)
- Manufacturer (fa - bri - dog - tea)
- Phonogram (fo - no - gra - ma)
- Festivals (fes - ti - he - them)
- Frequency (fre - cuen - Inc)
- Child (hi - ho)
- Thread (hi - it)
- Hypertensive (hi - per - have - so)
- Young man (jo - come)
- Receipt (jus - ti - fi - dog - tea)
- Lettuce (le - chu - ga)
- Suitcase (ma - you - ta)
- Chucks (man - dri - them)
- Margin (sea - gen)
- Tuesday (sea - tes)
- Themselves (my - mos)
- Eye (or - ho)
- Presidency (pre - yes - den - Inc)
- Possibilities (po - si - bi - li - gives - des)
- Full (re - ple - ta)
- Springs (re - sor - tes)
- Earthquake (sis - mo)
- Ground (sue - it)
- Testimony (tes - ti - mo - child)
- Scissors (ti - heh - flush)
- Utensil (u - ten - Yes - mess)
- Heifer (goes - who - lla)
- Virgin (vir - gen)
- Volley (vo - you - o)
- Strider (zan - cu - c)
- Shoes (za - pa - cough)
10 Sentences with serious words:
- Us we'll go to Beach in a car that we rented agoaweek
- The recipe takes four cups from flour and one of sugar
- The doctor said Yes i kept smoking could develop Cancer lung.
- A lots of from them they are in the jail for having donefraudfinancial.
- Whether showsweak before others, couldtake advantage from thatfordefeat him.
- On thisplayeachteamhavefiveplayers.
- The kitchen room from themwas beautiful, in its most from marble.
- Before I dont know worried for your health, but with age he began to do exercise and to change your habits food.
- At mail email provided you with a number of follow-upfor your request.
- The Names of the guests they are at back of the letter.
It may interest you:
- Sharp words.
- Words esdrújulas.
- Overdrive words.
Find out if a word is sharp, grave or spruce from over 200,000 examples.
Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Serious Words 200 Examples.Example of. Retrieved on October 22, 2021 from