25 Examples of Common or Impure Metaphor
Miscellanea / / November 09, 2021
Common or Impure Metaphor
The common or impure metaphor it's a kind of metaphor in which the real term and the imaginary term are present. For instance: The clouds are fluffy white cottons.
A metaphor is a Figure of speech that contains two terms: the real term, which refers to something that exists in reality and that can be or not in the text, and the metaphorical or imaginary term, which refers to the real term but with a figurative sense. This figure is often used in literary texts, especially in poetry.
In the common or impure metaphor the term real and the imaginary are generally related by a copulative verb (to be to be to look like). For the metaphor to occur, it is essential that the two terms have a relationship of similarity in terms of meaning.
For instance: His eyes looked like two sapphires. The real term, eyes, is related to the imaginary term, sapphires, by means of the copulative verb, they seemed. The similarity relationship that the two terms have is due to the blue color that both objects have.
Examples of common or impure metaphor
- His cry is a rampant river. [The real term, crying, is related to the metaphorical term: unbridled river]
- The joy of him were Fireworks. [The real term, joy, is related to the metaphorical term, fireworks].
- The way of being of him is a unpredictable sea. [The real term, form of being, is related to the metaphorical term, unpredictable sea]
- His words seemed accurate arrows. [The real term, words, is related to the metaphorical term, accurate arrows]
- That beach seemed paradise on Earth. [The metaphorical term, paradise on earth, refers to the beach, but adds the characteristic that it is very beautiful, because it is like a paradise]
- The croaking of the frogs was a perfect symphony. [The metaphorical term, symphony, refers to croaking]
- The stars are the fireflies in the sky. [The metaphorical term, fireflies, is related to the real term, stars, because of the brightness that both have]
- He believed that office was Hell. [The metaphorical term, hell, refers to the real term, the office, and adds the characteristic that it is a frightening place]
- The heart is the engine of life. [The metaphorical term, the engine of life, refers to the real term, the heart, because the heart is the muscle that keeps the body alive]
- The lies are vines with thorns. [The metaphorical term, vines with thorns, refers to the evil that lies can cause]
- The color of that lake was Heaven on earth. [The metaphorical term, heaven on earth, refers to the blue color of the lake]
- The brain is the director of the body and thought. [The metaphorical term, the director, refers to the brain, because this organ is the one that directs the body and thought]
- Justice is the scale of society. [The metaphorical term, balance, is related to the real term, justice, because justice is that which balances society]
- The time is gold. [The metaphorical term, gold, refers to how valuable time is]
- The shell of a tortoise is his shield. [The metaphorical term, shield, is related to the real term, the carapace, due to the defense characteristic that both have]
- The lion's mane is the crown of the king of the jungle. [The metaphorical term, the crown, refers to the mane, because both are on the head and because the lion is the king of the jungle]
- The forest is the home of nature. [The metaphorical term, the home of nature, is related to the real term, the forest]
- The bun of his hair was a ball of wool. [The metaphorical term, ball of wool, is related to the bun, due to the shape they both have]
- The sound of the waterfall was the most perfect music. [The metaphorical term, music, is related to the real term, the sound of the waterfall]
- The monster's head seemed a Halloween pumpkin. [The metaphorical term, the pumpkin, is related to the real term, the head, because they both share the characteristic that they are terrifying]
- Rivers and streams are the veins of the continent. [The metaphorical term, veins, is related to the real terms, rivers and streams, because all these words have the property of irrigating something]
- A book is a door to wisdom. [The metaphorical term, door to wisdom, is related to the book, because the latter is the one that allows new knowledge to be obtained]
- Life is an uncertain path. [The metaphorical term, the way, refers to life, because there are many things uncertain about life]
- He was a salmon swimming upstream. [The metaphorical term, salmon swimming against the current, refers to a person who always runs against it or who has to overcome different obstacles]
- The house was a refrigerator. [The metaphorical term, refrigerator, adds the quality of being cold to the real term, the house]
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