25 Examples of Negative Metaphor
Miscellanea / / November 09, 2021
Negative Metaphor
The negative metaphor it's a kind of metaphor which consists in denying a term, which can be the real term or the metaphorical term, and in naming the other term. For instance: It wasn't a field of roses, it was a red cloak.
A metaphor is a Figure of speech that contains two terms: the real term, which refers to something that exists in reality and that can be or not in the text, and the metaphorical or imaginary term, which refers to the real term but with a figurative sense.
In the negative metaphor the real term can be denied and the metaphorical one can be named. For instance: It was not a field of roses (real term), was a red cloak (metaphorical term). But you can also deny the metaphorical term and mention the real one. For instance: It was not a blue field (metaphorical term), it was the sea(actual term).
For a metaphor to be produced it is important that the two terms have a relationship of similarity in meaning. In the example above the two terms have a similarity relationship in relation to the color blue.
Examples of negative metaphor
- It is not a library, it is a endless words, knowledge and stories. [The real term, library, is denied and the metaphorical term, endless words, knowledge and stories is mentioned]
- It's not lightning, it's the wrath of the king of gods. [The royal term, lightning, is denied and the metaphorical term, the wrath of the king of the gods, is mentioned]
- It is not a cry, it is the rain of sadness. [The real term, a cry, is denied and the metaphorical term, the rain of sadness, is mentioned]
- It is not the jungle, it is the city. [The metaphorical term, the jungle, is denied and the real term, the city, is named]
- It's not the wheat, it's the field gold. [The real term, wheat, is denied and the metaphorical term, field gold, is mentioned]
- Are not fireflies, are the stars. [The metaphorical term, fireflies is denied, and the actual term, stars is mentioned]
- They are not hair, they are gold threads. [The real term, hair, is denied and the metaphorical term, golden threads is mentioned]
- Not two diamonds, are his eyes. [The metaphorical term, diamonds, is denied and the actual term, his eyes, is named]
- It is not a forest, it is the home of animals. [The real term, the forest, is denied and the metaphorical term, the home of the animals is mentioned]
- Are not creepers, are their deceptions. [The metaphorical term, creepers is denied and the actual term, deceptions, is mentioned]
- They are not words, they are defense shields. [The actual term, words, is denied and the metaphorical term, defense shields is mentioned]
- It is not an earthquake, it is the wrath of the earth. [The real term, earthquake, is denied and the metaphorical term, the wrath of the earth is mentioned]
- It is not a red brush stroke in the garden, they are roses. [The metaphorical term, brushstroke in the garden is denied, and the actual term, roses is mentioned]
- It is not a living library, is a wise man. [The metaphorical term, living library is denied, and the actual term, sage is mentioned]
- It is not a victory, it is Touch the sky with your hands. [The real term, victory, is denied and the metaphorical term, touching the sky with the hands is mentioned]
- It is not a beautiful landscape, it is the paradise. [The real term, beautiful landscape is denied, and the metaphorical term, paradise is mentioned]
- He turned white as ivory, he is not pale. [The metaphorical term is mentioned, he turned ivory white, and the actual term is denied, he is pale]
- He is not angry, it's fuming. [The real term is denied, he is angry, and the metaphorical term is mentioned, he is fuming]
- It's not smart, it's a Dolphin. [The term real, intelligent is denied, and the metaphorical term, dolphin is mentioned]
- Is not his heart jumping for joy, it's his heart beating. [The metaphorical term is denied, his heart leaping for joy, and the real term is mentioned, his heart beating]
- It is not the song of the canaries, it is forest music. [The real term, the song of the canaries, is denied and the metaphorical term, the music of the forest, is mentioned]
- Is not the mountain sigh, is the wind that comes from the mountain. [The metaphorical term, mountain sigh is denied, and the actual term, the wind that comes from the mountain, is mentioned]
- No is teasing him, making fun. [The metaphorical term is denied, he is teasing him, and the real term is mentioned, he is mocking]
- He's not a great person has a heart of gold. [The real term is denied, he is a great person, and the metaphorical term is mentioned, he has a heart of gold]
- Are not the windows of the soul, are the eyes. [The metaphorical term, windows to the soul, is denied and the real term, eyes, is mentioned]
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