Example of Connectors In English
English / / July 04, 2021
The connectors in English are a type of conjunctions that we use to join words or phrases to each other.
The connectors, connectors, in English they serve to indicate a relationship between two words or grammatical elements, such as between phrases or sentences with each other, between words with phrases, sentences with words, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns, etc.
The most used connectors in English are the conjunctions and / or (and / o). The and connector is called a copulative connector, while or is a disjunctive connector. In addition to these, there is a set of words that function as conjunction, indicating a different type of relationship between the elements of the text. Some of the most important types of connectors are the following:
Copulative connectors. Also called addition connectors, they are the ones that join words as a unit. The best known is and (y). Other copulative connectors are the words also (also), too (also), as (both, as much as):
My uncle and my aunt come to the party.
Steve plays the guitar. Sometimes, also sings.
Disjunctive connectors. They are the conjunctions that join two or more words or clauses, giving the idea that they cannot coexist or that we must choose or think about one or the other, that is, that they are mutually exclusive. The most used is the conjunction or (o). Others are the conjunctions nor (ni), otherwise (otherwise).
When you will come, on Wednesday or Thursday?
He doesn’t wear jacket nor tie.
Conditional connectors. These connectors, also known only as conditional, serve to establish a relationship in which one element is conditioned to the other. Some of these connectors in English are formed by discontinuous sets of words, which function as a unit. Some are: in case of. if (if), if… then… (if… then…):
If I don't have anything to do, then I come on Saturday.
In case of it rains, you can't come home.
Concessive connectors. They are what allow us to indicate that something happens or does not happen despite setbacks or efforts. Some of these connectors are although (although), in despite of (despite), even if.
I can't go to the party, in despite of my parents give me permission.
You need to rest, although you denied.
Continuity connectors, also called sequence connectors. The continuity connectors indicate a relationship of logical or chronological consequence between the sentences or clauses with the previous idea. Some are: then (then), furthermore (further, then):
I have subscribe to the race, then he begin to train.
My aunt come to the store when it opens, furthermore, buy the dress she wants.
Time connectors. They are the connectors that indicate a time relationship between the sentence they connect, and the sentence that serves as an antecedent. They look like sequence connectors; the difference is that the sequence connectors indicate a logical or chronological succession, that is, a series of events in the order that they occur, while the time connectors can refer to something that happened, happens or will happen at any time in relation to the main sentence. Some of the most used are: after (after), before (before), At time (at the same time):
I call you before you eat.
Do your homework despues de the dinner.
I was thinking in you at the moment you enter at classroom.
Conclusive connectors. They are those that serve to indicate which idea is the conclusion of an exposition or paragraph. Some of the most used are: so (thus), hence (therefore), consequently (consequently, in conclusion), finally (finally):
Taking as a scientific fact than humans and apes have five fingers, bipedal gait and also have a 98% of equal common genetic info, consequently we conclude that biologically, we own a common ancestry.
You ate a big hamburger, drink two sodas and carry candies in your bay, SW, you’re not in diet.
Adversative connectors. They serve to indicate an oppositional relationship between two elements. The difference with the disjunctives is that the adversaries express an opposition between the ideas, while the disjunctives indicate exclusion between the elements (one or the other). Some are: however (however), but (but), instead (instead of):
I wish give you a gift, but can’t find I was looking for.
Animal force has traditionally used in agriculture; however, machinery is more efficient.
Causal connectors. They serve to establish a cause-effect relationship between ideas. It is used when the idea of one sentence results in that of the next. Some of these connectors in English are: due to (due to), because (because), own to (due to):
I pass the test due to I Study in examplede.com.
Julio don’t answer his messages because I haven’t internet connection.
Comparative connectors. They are the connectors that we use to compare two nouns, adjectives, adverbs or sentences. They are also known simply as comparatives. They have three degrees: equality, comparative (of increase or decrease) and superlative. The most common are as (as much, as), as... as (as much... as), not as... as (not so much... as); more… than / –er… than (more… than) the most… / –est… (the most):
Ann is ace pretty ace Joanne.
Carmen is bigger than James.
This house is the most beautiful I've ever seen.
Example of text using connectors in English:
We must take some safe tips before to repair to PC. Our machine contain delicate pieces and a static charge may burn it. To avoid this, we must begin to do some precautions. Firstly, the cabinet from the PC must be grounded in attempting to Derive any discharge to a safe place. Also we must be grounded. We can make a cleaning and repairing with nude hand, however, we are always with the risk to give an static electricity discharge, damaging the board, although we don't see or hear something. In order to avoid this, we must use an antistatic wrist strap that we connect in the cabinet. Then, we should touch the cabinet to discharge any electric charge we have. In the second place, whenever it may be possible, or better, always, must wear latex gloves. The next step is to use compress air. This is important because this bottled air is humidity free, something important to avoid statics and oxide in the main board or other parts; also because it is under pressure, ready to remove dust in any corner or nook. Finally, we must use the appropriate tools to assemble or disassemble the system, to avoid damages.