The words withCRU they contain this set of letters at the beginning or in the middle of the word, but never at the end. For example: crudo, incrustar, cruczar.
This combination of letters is rare in Spanish, so there are not many words in which it appears and it does not have spelling rules specific.
chucrut | crujido | Come incruczar |
cruashan | crujiente | it iscrupolish |
cruEC | crujir | it iscrĂșpolish |
cruzero | crupier | it iscrufiercely |
crucial | crustaceous | it iscrupulosidad |
crucified | cruz | it iscrupulous |
crucify | cruza | it iscrutador |
crucode | cruzada | it iscrutar |
crucipher | cruzado | it iscrutinius |
crucigram | cruzador | it iscrustainer |
crudamente | cruzation | incrustation |
crudelicious | cruczar | incrustante |
crudeza | oncrucijada | incrustar |
crudo | oncrusay | Agnescrutable |
cruthe | oncruelecer | recrusay |
crueldad | Come incruzado | recrudeciment |
crujia | Come incruzation | will seecrucarr |
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