The words with s Y c can contain these letters in two ways:
The s and the c can form the chain sc, which is pronounced as / z / before the vowels e, i (p. ex. ascent, discipline) or as / sk / before vowels a, o, u (p. ex. disgust discount fly).
The s and the c They can also appear separately in the word, acquiring different types of sounds: sequence, cunning, scattering.
Rules of words with s Y c
Some of the main rules of words with s:
They carry s adjectives ending in -oso, -osa, -esco and -esca. For example: jealous, lumpy, cool, refreshing.
Some action verbs whose infinitive ends in - end with -sionsar, -der, -dir, -ter, -tir. For example: cision, assignment, succession, occlusion, decision, understanding.
Some of the main rules of words with c:
They are written with c words ending in -foundation, -cent Y -science. For example: aldolescent, redress, recreation, dullness, darkening, discente, sedicente, opalescent, iridescent, complacent, evanescent, sufficiency, insufficiency, unconsciousness.
They are written with c verbs ending in -cer, -cir. For example: underlie, choose, undo, uncook, suffice, darken, vanish, clarify, compensate, spread, tarnish, neglect.
They are written with c words ending in -acidic, acidic, -encio, -encia. For example: sebaceous, pinkish, crustacean, silence, essence, adolescence, sequence, solvency, substitution, insolence, dissent.
They are written with c nouns ending in -tion. For example: position, roasting, station, assumption, pulsation, insertion, apposition, imposition, dissipation, deviation, abstention.