Example of Parts of Sentence
Spanish Classes / / November 13, 2021
The sentence is essentially made up of the subject and the predicate; However, there are other elements that, without being nuclei of information, specify and complete the meaning of the statement. These elements are the modifiers and links. The nuclei of the sentence are the noun or pronoun of the subject, and the verb of the predicate, because they perform the main functions of the statement. Sentence modifiers fulfill a complementary function, which is always subordinate to the core function.
They are subject modifiers: the adjective, the article, the apposition and the noun complement.
They are verb modifiers: the adverb, the direct object, the indirect object and the circumstantial object.
Is named apposition, to the modifier made up of a word or phrase that it happens to the core of the subject.
Example of parts of speech:
Apposition example:
Andrew, my cousin, he will come to dinner tomorrow.
N.S. M.A.
N.S. subject core
M.A. apposition modifier
The nominal complement is he modifier that indicates possession, property, belonging or matter of which a thing is made
. It always refers to the subject or another complement and is recognized because it is generally introduced by the preposition of.Example of nominal complement:
The teachergrammar did a very difficult exam.
N.S. M.C.N
N.S. subject core
M.C.N. noun complement modifier
The direct complement is the modifier that indicates the person, animal or thing, denominated by a noun or a pronoun, on which the action of the verb falls. When it refers to people, it is preceded by preposition a.
Direct object example:
The grammar teacherreprobate to half of the group
N.S. N.P. E M.C.D.
N.S. subject core
N.P. predicate core
E link
M.C.D. direct complement modifier
The indirect compliment is the modifier that indicates the person or thing that receives harm or profit from verbal action. It is preceded by prepositions a and para.
Indirect complement example:
The teacher grammar made a test tomy brother
N.S.N.P. E M.C.I.
N.S. subject core
N.P. predicate core
E link
M.C.I. indirect complement modifier
The circumstantial complement is the modifier that indicates the circumstance of place, time, mode and any other indicated by the other accessories, in which the action of the verb is performed. This complement supports any preposition.
Circumstantial complement example:
The teacher grammar made a test in room 1
N.S. N.P. M.C.C
N.S. subject core
N.P. predicate core
M.C.C circumstantial complement modifier