Characteristics of the Standards
Basic Knowledge / / November 13, 2021
[characteristics of the standards]
Norms are a series of rules that can be applied in a general way or in a particular way. These, when they have coercive powers, are applied by the state and when they are moral, they require the particular contrition of the individual.
Norma derives from the Latin "norma" that was used to name the squares used in geometry and carpentry. This was applied to the rectitude or good construction of things, precisely because the square was the one that allowed construction, let us say redundantly "normalOf antique furniture.
Today there is a very high series of standards, ranging from moral and legal standards to the so-called general or commercial standards such as ISO.
Norms are specifically certain previously established rules and something characterize the norms is that they must be followed by the rest of the individuals, in one sense the norms are accepted but in another they are imposed. When the norm is applied to an authority, it can only do what the law, norm or regulation establishes and cannot exceed the On the other hand, the application of the norm for the civilian population is that it does what it wants or needs as long as the law does not restrict.
Characteristics of the standards:
Religious rule.- Although in strict terms the rules are written and made by men, there are those who apply to the Bible, Quran, Talmud and other similar writings, such as religious rules or norms, that come to have coercion (repression or punishment), and in other contrition personal.
Human norms.- Although logically there are no divine norms, because they are written and established by the human being, it can be understood that the norms classified as divine are human applications of the criteria men accept as divine or expressed by God, the rest of the rules are only man-made regulations to order the movements and circumstances of coexistence that govern it.
Volitive.- They are the norms that are applied by the mere will of the individual and that do not affect the rest of the individuals whether or not their application exists. This happens with the so-called “moral” norms and mainly in the rules of conduct of private society such as “manners”.
Hierarchies.- Norms have a logical hierarchy based on premises. Thus, the major premise is the law with greater force (constitution or equivalent), then the general laws follow (those applicable to the entire country), and thirdly place are local laws, which are applied and dictated locally, as happens in municipalities, states or even in small towns such as peoples.
Legal standard.- These standards cover all individuals, from institutions to ordinary people. Legal norms are applicable to individuals, with or without their consent, and their release is also regulated by norms.
These standards are different in each federal entity and in each state or country, and there may be both international and local standards.
Coercive.- The norms are coercive, clearly understanding that the coercive norms are only those legal or imposed by the ruler, whether democratic, plutocratic or monarchical. The coercivity of moral norms was found to be carried out at the time by the representatives of the churches or religions, who took divine interpretations as a mandatory imposition.
Social norm.- These are a series of rules, which were initially unwritten and later written. Social norms are also called “moral” norms (in a religious or social sense), “manners” (in the sense of personal correctness) or “Ethics” (from the philosophical perception).
Commercial standard.- They are the standards established for commerce and can be found linked to the so-called ISO, legal standards and safety standards.
Safety standard.- They are those that are applied preventively to avoid accidents or damage, especially for workers, for risk areas and in cases of war or disasters. These norms are established by the state or by the bosses (in the work centers).
ISO or quality standard.- ISO standards are a series of quality standards or quality guidelines that must be followed by organizations, which include both government offices and companies.
Variants in standards.- The rules have a few variants in their direct application, especially when the concept of normality is expressed, because to say that something is not normal is expressed as abnormal or extra-normal and there are even those who use the concept para-normal, to try to explain or classify everything that is not close to its criterion.