Example of Accent In Music
Basic Knowledge / / November 13, 2021
The Musical accent consists of the parts of a musical work in which a sound or group of sounds stands out, which is represented in the scores by means of various signs with which the notes to be emphasized are identified (increase in pitch, duration or time), this sign of emphasis Allows the performer, musician, or singer to be guided in making the voice change or adjusting the performance of the instrument to enhance the sound marked.
The musical accent It is the sign that indicates the increase in duration and intensity that should be printed on a note, as well as indicates whether the note should be lowered or raised in pitch in the interpretation.
In music there are four types of musical accentuation:
- Tonic Accent, which consists of the emphasis of a note, through a greater intensity of the sound compared to the rest of the notes).
- Agógico accent, in which the duration is modified, either shortening or lengthening, the marked note.
- Metric accent, in which there is a sudden change in the rhythm of the music.
- Dynamic Accent, consisting of a combination of two or more elements mentioned, and which is perceived as a sudden change in interpretation.
Which are expressed through different signs in the score for the better identification of it, by the singer or musician who interprets the musical work in question. Accents in music are also designated by words Marcato, Staccato, Staccatissimo, Tenuto.
Example of musical accent:
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