What is a life project?
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
A life Proyect It is broadly a plan that each person generally makes with respect to their own lifetime. It is a series of goals, with deadlines determined by the individual in which some action is expected to be carried out. Even if the destination does not follow the wishes of the person.
Life project example:
I am thirty-five years old, next Wednesday I will enroll again in medical school, in four years I will graduate and get a job. Two years later I will get a super model girlfriend and marry her. After five years of happy marriage we will have four children: Fineas, Ferb, Javier and Amanda. While I will become head of the hospital.
Although the plife project It is intended to be the one that the person plans on his own lifetime, there are countless people who do a whole life Proyect on the fate of a family member or friend, many times without taking into account the will or project of the person to whom it is intended to apply.
Example of applied life project:
All my children are going to have their first communion in the town's cathedral next year. When they are fifteen years old they will study in the seminary, five years later they will graduate with the highest honors, and immediately they will enter the priesthood, twenty years later they will be bishops and another twenty years later cardinals, and five years later one of them will be the next dad. Then the one who became father when I died ten years later at the age of one hundred, he will beatify me and when he dies another of his brothers who also become father will sanctify me