Metalinguistic Function Example
Spanish Classes / / November 13, 2021
The metalinguistic function Language refers to the way we express ourselves to talk about the same language, that is, in which language, its form and meaning are the content we want to communicate.
Language is used to express, verbally or in writing, our thoughts, experiences and knowledge. In the study of language, six basic functions of language are considered: To express moods, emotions or physical states we use the expressive or emotional; to ask, beg or order someone to do something, we use the conative function; If our intention is to talk about something expressing ideas with an ornate and richer language than common speech, then we use the poetic function; instead, the referential function tells us about the world around us unadorned, expressing it as it is. The phatic function is the signals to start, continue to finish, and exchange ideas during a conversation. Metalinguistic function is when we use language to talk about the form, limits and functions of language or of a specific word.
Thus, for example, the metalinguistic function is used in dictionaries, since its function is to define the meaning of words.
So for example we can see the definition of the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Language of the word book:
Book. From lat. liber, libri. | m. Set of many sheets of paper or other similar material that, bound, form a volume. | m. Scientific, literary or any other type of work with sufficient length to form a volume, which may appear in print or on another medium. | m. Each of certain main parts into which scientific or literary works are usually divided, and codes and laws of great extension. | m. libretto (text of an opera). | m. Contribution or tax. I haven't paid for the books. They are charging the books. | m. Right For legal purposes, in Spain, all non-periodic forms that contain 49 pages or more, excluding covers. | m. Zool. Third of the four cavities into which the stomach of ruminants is divided.
This function is also used for the study of grammar, which tells us about words, their form and the correct way to write them:
"The word countryside It is made up of five letters, it is a singular noun, and due to its sound its correct spelling is to write the letter m before the p.
This metalinguistic function is also used to study the pauses between words, as well as the signs to qualify the expression, that is, when we talk about punctuation marks:
The comma is important, because it is not the same to say "Careful, bear" as "careful bear".
We also use the metalinguistic function when we make a presentation and clarify at the beginning how we will use a term:
“… For our study of logic, we must bear in mind that the word report, It does not refer to giving information or data, but we will use it in the sense of something that has no form. That is to say, when we refer to a "formless matter", we refer to matter that has no form... "
Examples of metalinguistic function
- Elephants are pachyderm animals that belong to the same classification as pigs and hippos.
- Alcohol is the common name for the compound of ethane and a particle called the hydroxyl radical, made up of oxygen and hydrogen.
- Sharp words have the accent on the last syllable.
- Exclamation marks are used to emphasize an expression or to put something like a scream in writing.
- Cod are fish that inhabit the cold waters of northern Europe.
- The desert is an arid land with a very hot climate during the day and very cold at night.
- The function of the accent is to emphasize the sound of a syllable.
- Homophones are words that sound similar to others.
- Sound is a form of vibratory pressure that is transmitted through air, solids, and liquids.
- In graphic arts, octopus refers to an instrument with several arms that screen prints rest on to dry the ink.
- Coffee is a plant native to the Middle East with which an infusion that is highly appreciated for its bitter taste is prepared.
- Anabolism is the synthesis of complex molecules from simple molecules.
- Question marks are used to write questions, placing an opening mark and a closing mark.
- Muscle is a ringed tissue with the ability to contract, of which there are three types: striated, which is red and voluntary, and smooth, which is target and is managed by the autonomic nervous system and the heart muscle, which is a type of skeletal muscle that is controlled by the nervous system autonomous.
- Before we begin, we have to take into consideration that, in this exhibition on artillery, with the word cat, we We refer to an eight-pointed instrument to explore the interior of a cannon, of which we will explain in detail its usefulness more go ahead.
- Ex libris are stamps or stickers that are placed on books to indicate to which person or institution they belong.
- Roman numerals are a number system in which letters are used to express numbers.
- Commas are a punctuation mark that we use to indicate a pause or to do an enumeration.
- In ancient times, magician was used to define students of alchemy and the stars.
- Tarantulas are a type of spiders that do not secrete venom, but rather bite their victims.
- The paper is made with a cellulose pulp, which is a type of long-chain sugar that, when it loses moisture, acquires a rigid consistency.
- A plunger is any solid cylindrical object that goes into another hollow cylinder, and allows a fluid, such as air, water or oil, to be sucked or pressed.
- Entomology is the part of biology that studies insects.
- The words that are derived from those that end with z, are written with c, when they carry the letters e or i.
- The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle and it is opposite the right angle.
- The figures called parallelograms are those that have two parallel sides, that is, squares, rectangles and rhombuses.
- Astronomy studies the stars, their movement and their laws, while astrology tries to find a relationship between the stars and human behavior.
- Endpoints are used to mark the end of a paragraph.
- We use adjectives to describe the characteristics of nouns or other adjectives.
- NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Learn about the other functions of language:
- Appellate function example.
- Expressive function example.
- Example of phatic function.
- Poetic function example.
- Referential function example.