Grammar Accidents Example
Spanish Classes / / November 13, 2021
They are known as grammatical accidents the different changes that invariable words undergo to express the categories of gender, number, person, mode and time. These words that can vary their form to express a grammatical accident are verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns and articles..
These grammatical accidents or grammatical categories allow concordance within the sentence between the variable and invariable words, as well as expressing meanings according to what is being enunciating.
The four grammatical accidents (number, person, time and mode) are explained below:
1. Number
The grammatical number refers to what a word can express if the subject is singular or plural.
a) Number in verbs. The number in the verbs is a mark that tells us if the subject performing the action is one or more people. For example:
- "Me I have You want a hamburger ”(the verb is in the singular)
- "U.S have You want a hamburger ”(the verb is plural)
b) Number innouns and pronouns. They inform us if the entity they name is one or more.
- "We rescued a dog of the refuge ”(the noun is singular)
- "We rescued several dogs of the refuge ”(the noun is plural)
c) Number in articles. They tell us if the entity they determine is singular or plural, so they have agreement with the noun.
- “The product is already expired ”(the article is singular as well as the noun product)
- “The products are already expired ”(the article is plural as well as the noun products)
d) Number in adjectives. They inform us if the noun they determine or qualify is singular or plural. For example:
- "We take various drinks ”(various it is plural as well as drinks)
- "On that date we do not have places available ”(that is singular as well as date)
2. Gender
Grammatical gender refers to whether an entity is male or female. This grammatical accident is found in nouns, articles, adjectives and pronouns. For example:
- He (masculine pronoun) / her (feminine pronoun)
- A (masculine article) / a (feminine article)
- Cat (masculine noun) / cat (feminine noun)
- Well (masculine adjective) / good (feminine adjective)
3. Person
The grammatical person is an accident of the verb that tells us who performs the verbal action. There are three grammatical persons, depending on where the verb is pronounced from:
a) First person. The speaker is the one who performs the action. There are two: first person singular (me) and first person plural (U.S / we).
- “Sing a song "," We we sang a song"
b) Second person. Who performs the action is the person to whom the speaker is addressing. There are two: second person singular (you you) and second person plural (your / you you).
- “Do you sing a song "," You they sing songs "," You you sing”.
c) Third person. The action is carried out by a third party, not carried out by any of the interlocutors. There are two: third person singular (he she) and third person plural (they / they).
- "They they sang a song "," She sings very well".
4. Weather
Tense is a grammatical accident in verbs that tells us when the verbal action is carried out (past, present or future). Tenses can be simple (a single verb form) or compound (formed in conjunction with an auxiliary verb). Let's see an example of a grammatical accident of time, from the verb forgive:
- Conjugation of forgive: Present: forgive, past tense: i forgave, future: i will forgive, copreterite: forgave Y postpreterite: would forgive, before present: I have forgiven, antepreterite: I will have forgiven, antefuture: I will have forgiven, antecopreterite: had forgiven Y anteposterite: I would have forgiven.
5. Mode
The mode is a grammatical accident of the verbs, which tells us what attitude the speaker has towards the verb. They are three: indicative, subjunctive and imperative. The indicative informs us of real actions, the subjunctive of subjective actions or that are not a fact, and the imperative about actions that are stated as an order.
- Luis finished his work(the verb is in the indicative mood; talks about real and concrete facts)
- I hope you finish your homework soon (the verb is in the subjunctive; expresses a wish)
- Finish the homework (the verb is in the imperative and expresses an order)
Examples of grammatical accidents
15 Number grammatical accidents:
After each word, parentheses specify whether it is singular (s.) Or plural (p.).
- The (s.) doctor (s.) attend on the (s.) hospital (s.) / Thedoctorsattend on the hospitals
- Theattorney (s.) works (s.) in a (s.) court (s.) civil (s.) / Those lawyersthey work on civil courts
- You(s.) it is (n.) a (n.) good (s.) employee (s.) / you guys (p.) They are (p.) good ones (p.) workers (p.)
- Is (s.) pickup truck (s.) this (s.) new(s.) / These (p.) vans (p.) is it so (p.) new (p.)
- Your (s.) could you (s.) become a (s.) great (s.) musician / you guys (p.) could (p.) become some (p.) large (p.) musicians (p.)
- The (s.) star (s.) more pretty (s.) you illuminates (s.) is (s.) night (s.) / The (p.) stars (p.) more beautiful (p.) the illuminate (p.) tonight.
- Certain (s.) student (s.) got (s.) a (s.) scholarship (s.) / Some (p.) students (p.) they got (p.) nails (p.) scholarships (p.).
- The (s.) final (s.) has disappointed (s.) to Many (p.) fanatics (p.) / The (p.) endings (p.) they disappoint (p.) to the fans.
- He (s.) us made (s.) wait a (s.) day (s.) / They (p.) we they made (p.) wait various (p.) days (p.)
- The (s.) song (s.) that this (s.) ringing it is (s.) me (s.) favorite (s.) / The (p.) songs (Why is it so (p.) ringing They are (p.) my (p.) favorites (p.)
- Me (s.) co-worker (s.) him made (s.) a (s.) question (Salt speaker (s.) / My (p.) classmates (p.) they made (p.) some (p.) questions (p.)
- ¿Do you have (s.) a (s.) currency (s.) that me pay (s.) for the (s.) machine (s.)? / ¿Have (p.) nails (p.) coins (p.) that I lend (p.) for the (p.) machines (p.)?
- His (s.) beauty (s.) it is (s.) indisputable / Their (p.) beauties (p.) They are (p.) indisputable (p.)
- Outside was (s.) parked (s.) a (s.) car (s.) new (s.) / Outside They were (p.) parked (p.) some (p.) cars (p.) new (p.)
- His (s.) conscience (s.) was (s.) peaceful (s.) / Their (p.) consciences (p.) They were (p.) quiet (p.)
15 Grammatical accidents of gender:
- U.S (masculine pronoun) / We (feminine pronoun)
- The (masculine article) / The (feminine article)
- Dog (masculine noun) / Female dog (feminine noun)
- Beautiful (masculine adjective) / Pretty (feminine adjective)
- He (masculine pronoun) / Her (feminine pronoun)
- A (masculine article) / A (feminine article)
- Dad (masculine noun) / Mother (feminine noun)
- East (masculine adjective) / Is (feminine adjective)
- They (masculine pronoun) / They (feminine pronoun)
- The (masculine article) / The (feminine article)
- Friend (masculine noun) / Friend (feminine noun)
- Funny (masculine adjective) / Funny (feminine adjective)
- You (masculine pronoun) / You (feminine pronoun)
- Some (masculine article) / Nails (feminine article)
- President (masculine noun) / Chairwoman (feminine noun)
- That (masculine adjective) / That (feminine adjective)
15 Grammatical accidents of person:
- I'm working in a parcel company (1st person)
- These working in a parcel company (2nd person)
- Is it so working in a parcel company (3rd person)
- We will contract to an employee1st person)
- you guys will hire to an employee2nd person)
- They they have hired to an employee3rd person)
- Me I found the love of my life (1st person)
- Your you have found to the love of your life2nd person)
- Her he found to the love of his life3rd person)
- We we'll go to buy popsicles1st person)
- You you went to buy popsicles2nd person)
- They They have gone to buy popsicles3rd person)
- Rest every Friday of the month1st person)
- You will rest a lot today that you have a day off2nd person)
- She did not rest throughout the party (3rd person)
15 Examples of grammatical accidents of time:
- "Frames change of hairstyle every month ”(present time)
- "The presentation finished at ten at night" (Preterite time)
- "Your life switch to if you do these ten habits ”(future time)
- "When ended from working, he went with his friends ”(past time)
- "Tea would love until the end of my days ”(post-past tense)
- "We do not We have gone on vacation for a long time ”(time before present)
- "Once had curdled the mixture is disassembled ”(pre-past tense)
- "In ten seconds will have overcome his record ”(antefuture time)
- "If I told you the truth would have bothered” (anteposterite tense)
- "I know she had stayed suddenly speechless ”(antecopreterite time)
- "I hope that have you a nice week ”(present tense of subjunctive)
- “We were warned that we would have careful" (past tense of subjunctive)
- "I am very glad that have come to visit us" (pre-present subjunctive tense)
- “Would have seen his face when he heard the news ”(antepreterite tense of subjunctive)
- "If you would have done case, I would have gone very badly ”(antefuture tense of subjunctive)
15 Examples of grammatical accidents so:
- Happens my math testindicative mood)
- I hope José happens the mathematics exam (Subjunctive mode)
- ¡Happens the exam or if not we will punish you! (imperative mode)
- Yesterday we ate at my best friend's houseindicative mood)
- Even if ate many calories, (Subjunctive mode)
- ¡Eat yourself all the vegetables! (imperative mode)
- we'll go to the cinema at the eight o'clock functionindicative mood)
- My mother didn't want that we were to Rodrigo's partySubjunctive mode)
- ¡Come on with me! (imperative mode)
- you guys they swim many kilometers every dayindicative mood)
- But I would have swum to the shore, I know would have carried the current (Subjunctive mode)
- ¡Swim faster! (imperative mode)
- We have found a very nice restaurantindicative mood)
- I wish that find to the love of your lifeSubjunctive mode)
- Find the ten differencesimperative mode)