Present Perfect Example In English
English / / July 04, 2021
In the English language, the Present perfect is the verb tense that refers to events that they have already happened, but they still have effects in the present. It can be a visit to some place, the purchase of a product, an action that is performed for the first time and could continue to happen, among many other situations in which this time is used.
In English, the Present Perfect is known as Present Perfect. It has a defined structure for both affirmative sentences (Affirmative) and for negatives (Negative) and questions (Questions). Each type of sentence is explained separately:
- Affirmative sentences in Present Perfect
- Negative sentences in Present Perfect
- Questions in Present Perfect
Affirmative sentences in Present Perfect
You start with an example to observe its parts:
I have tried lasagna twice
In this sentence, which in Spanish says "I have tasted lasagna twice", it is distinguished:
- I it is the subject "I".
- Have It is the auxiliary verb that is translated as “he”, from the verb “to have”.
- Tried is the verb of the sentence conjugated in the past participle (past participle), whose infinitive form is try. It is translated as "prove", and its past participle is "proved".
- Lasagna twice is the predicate of the sentence.
The structure that follows is:
Subject + verb Have + verb in Past participle + Predicate or rest of the sentence
Taken into the English language, the structure for an affirmative sentence is written like this:
Noun / Name + Have + Verb in past participle + Rest of the sentence
Negative sentences in Present Perfect
You start with an example to observe its parts:
You haven't driven a motorcycle in your life
In this sentence, which in Spanish says "You have not driven a motorcycle in your life", it is appreciated:
- You it is the subject "you".
- Haven´t is the auxiliary verb that is formed with have + not and joins in haven´t translated as “you have not”, the negative of the verb “have”.
- Driven is the verb of the sentence conjugated in the past participle (past participle), whose infinitive form is drive. It is translated as "lead", and its past participle is "led".
- a motorcycle in your life is the predicate of the sentence.
The structure that follows is:
Subject + verb Haven´t (have not) + verb in Past participle + Predicate or rest of the sentence
Taken into the English language, the structure for a negative sentence is written like this:
Noun / Name + Haven´t (have not) + Verb in past participle + Rest of the sentence
Questions in Present Perfect
You start with an example to observe its parts:
Have they taken a course about social media?
In this sentence, which in Spanish says “Have they taken a course on social networks?”, We can see:
- Have is the auxiliary verb translated as "han", and is placed at the beginning of the questions.
- They it is the subject "they".
- Taken is the verb of the sentence conjugated in the past participle (past participle), whose infinitive form is take. It is translated as "take", and its past participle is "taken".
- a course about social media is the predicate of the sentence.
The structure that follows is:
verb Have + Subject + verb in Past participle + Predicate or rest of the question + sign (?)
Taken into the English language, the structure for a negative sentence is written like this:
Have + Noun / Name + Verb in past participle + Rest of the question + sign (?)
In all types of sentences, we must pay attention to the verbs in the past participle, and identify if they are regular or irregular.
Regular verbs: finish in –Ed in their conjugations to present, past and past participle. For example:
- try - tried - tried
- borrow - borrowed - borrowed
- finish - finished - finished
- work - worked - worked
- lie - lied - lied
- Continue reading: Regular verbs in English
Irregular verbs: they have endings that are not constant in their conjugations to present, past and past participle. For example:
- Swim - swam - swum
- Cut - cut - cut
- Run - ran - ran
- Read - read - read
- Drive - drove - driven
- Continue reading: Irregular verbs in English
Uses of the present perfect
To indicate that something happens within a known period, but without specifying exactly when.
You have been lost when you come here - You have lost when you come.
I have gone with physician two times this year - I have been to the doctor twice this year.
To highlight personal or collective achievements, not to mention the precise moment in which they occurred.
Edward jenner you have discovered the vaccine - Edward Jenner has discovered the vaccine.
The humanity you have created the war - Mankind has created war.
To talk about changes that have occurred during a period.
Dr smith you have healed the children - Dr. Smith has cured children.
My team have become the first. - My team has reached first place.
To talk about an action that has happened several times in the past and that may happen more times in the present or in the future:
Women have discovered the animal domestication in all around the world - Women have discovered the domestication of animals around the world.
Helen have you repeated math tests four times in this semester - Helena has repeated the math test four times this semester.
To refer to an action that has not happened, but that we hope or want to happen. For these expressions the negative form is generally used.
My projects have never run like I have imagine - My projects have never gone as I have imagined.
You haven't worked as we expect - You haven't worked as we expected.
Spelling variants of the present perfect in English
The present perfect has variations in the way it is written, especially when modifying words such as adverbs are added to it.
When adverbs are used, they are placed in the middle of the verb phrase:
have + adverb + verb in participle
has + adverb + verb in participle
She he has usually take her medicine at three o’clock - She has usually taken her medicine at three o’clock.
I have always came here on time. - I've always been on time.
The dog have fastly ran across the field - The dog has run quickly across the field.
20 examples of sentences with the present perfect in English
- She have eaten at Christie’s.
- We have photographed Latin America.
- They have seen that movie three times.
- Mary Ann has not arrived to the party.
- She have you sewn her own skirts of her.
- We have visited the Grand Canyon.
- Don’t assume your victory, you have not won the race yet
- Has your aunt tasted hot chili?
- Have the plants growth much during the warm season?
- The electricity hasn’t failed dangerously during last hour.
- You have missed your keys.
- Jennifer you have sold necklaces the last two years.
- My cousin have you built his own bike from him.
- I haven’t seen the cat since the morning.
- I have learned the present perfect tense this time.
- I have seen this movie three times.
- You have been here before, haven't you?
- I have have you trained for the olimpics
- I have studied Russian grammar
- I have he has ran the New York Marathon
English conversation example in present perfect
An example of a conversation in English using the Present Perfect is presented. Its position in each dialogue where it is correct to use it is highlighted in bold.
John.- Hi, Mary.
Mary.- Hi John. Have you been here for a long time?
John.- Oh no. I arrived five minutes ago.
Mary.- Great. I thought that you have been here for an hour at least. I have driven all the morning, traffic was so heavy.
John.- Don´t worry, Mary. Have you eaten cualquier cosa?
Mary.- No, not yet.
John.- Then let´s go to Marco´s. I have not visited that restaurant for a couple of months.
Mary.- No, I prefer to go to Tako Loko. My uncle has worked there for two years, and he says that there are many tasty varieties of tacos.
John.- Is that place expensive?
Mary.- Not at all, actually. My uncle says he is even worried because they have not raised their prices since the last year.
John.- Wow, that can be dangerous unless they sell a lot!
Mary.- Of course, and it's a bit strange. It doesn´t matter if Tako Loko has not opened for an entire month. The day they open is a day they keep selling thousands of tacos!
John.- It only means their quality is great, though.
Mary.- Absolutely! it has been one of my favorite food places since I was a child.
John.- It's decided then. Let's go to Tako Loko.
- Continue reading: English conversation in present perfect