Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2011
The word rejuvenate It has two uses, on the one hand, it refers giving someone the vigor or the proper aspect of youth, and in parallel, includes the renewal of something.
Provide the self-image of youth
Youth is a stage in the life of a human being that is identified by age between the beginning of puberty and up to approximately 30 years of age.
Now, we must say that the maximum term was progressively extended and as a consequence of the increase in life expectancy and thus it is that today someone of 40 years is considered young.
How to attribute youth
Normally, the aforementioned attribution of youth will be achieved from different resources or details that are fully associated with that stage of life, such as an outfit that has traditionally been used by young people; Also the vocabulary, relaxed and away from formalities, is usually an indicator of youth, Therefore, it is that many people who are no longer in that stage but would like to be, use a language
more informal, typical of young people to resemble them, or failing that, to reach young audiences.Politicians in the campaign are the ones who most use this tactic to be able to capture the vote of the youngest. They speak as they speak and some even dress like many of them to appear as pairs.
Then, speak with a more informal language, wear certain clothes, or change some detail of the appearance personal: haircut, hair color, are some resources that people tend to adopt to actually look more youths.
Medical techniques and cosmetic products that resolve aging
Meanwhile, medicine has also developed countless techniques so that people who wish to do so can shake off years and achieve rejuvenation. Cosmetic surgeries, for example, in recent years, have become the resource par excellence when it comes to wanting to appear younger. And to this are added creams specially developed to remove the traces that time leaves on the face, better known as wrinkles.
The man now also takes care of his physical appearance
But beware that this is no longer a coquetry typical of the female universe, many men, in the Nowadays, they make use of these techniques and these cosmetic products because they also want to look youths. That is, the longed for and sought youth forever is no more heritage exclusive of women or a requirement that society sometimes demand For women to look good and young, men have also started to care about this and so they make use of the same feminine recipes as always.
Now, we must say that at this point of the use of rejuvenating products and the practice of cosmetic surgeries by part of men, there is still a certain prejudice in our society that still does not accept that men take care of a appearance physical as well, and then many times they are stigmatized or doubted about their sexuality for doing so.
Even a category of men, called metrosexuals, which is precisely characterized by developing a marked interest in their care and physical appearance and thus it is that order To satisfy this question is that they carry out practices to look younger, including surgeries, uses of anti-wrinkle creams, among others. alternatives.
Renovate or modernize something
And the other use of the word implies renovate, modernize something. For example, an old piece of furniture, inherited from a family member, can undergo rejuvenation, for example, painting it with a color that is a trend of the moment.
Nowadays, it is an established and widespread trend to upgrade old, inherited or flea market furniture, and then give it a modern touch from the app of some technique specific.
Decorating houses that sell antique furniture use this trend a lot because people love to buy old furniture but at the same time you want it to look current and of course to work as all your components.
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