Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in May. 2012
The term benefit is a term that can be used in various orders of life to refer to different types of services or assistance that a person can receive. The word or the concept of provision comes from the verb lend, which means in this case to deliver, offer, give to another. Thus, the word provision refers to everything that is considered a service that a person, a institution, an entity grants to another person, entity, client, etc. In most cases, the word is used to indicate those services that have to do with the area of medicine, that is, all those benefits that are given to patients with the aim of protecting and caring for their health.
When speaking of a benefit, it usually designates all those services that a space offers its patients, clients, etc. In these services some type of help, assistance or solution to different problems that can range from health issues to financial issues, through assistance and training in different areas of life. The benefits may be free but in most cases they are paid through
institutions such as social works, clubs, unions, guilds, etc., which makes them cheaper and more accessible. In other cases, the benefits understood as services can also be acquired privately and individually (for example, when a service provider is contracted for Internet or cable) and the payment of the service is in charge of the person or entity that hires it. We can also talk about the benefits that an object provides its users, especially in the technological field: for example, when we say that a telephone mobile provides certain benefits to its customers or users. In this case, "benefits" is understood as benefits.The idea of provision is always based on a notion of some kind of exchange that is established between the party that hires or requests the service and the party that provides it. This exchange is in most of the opportunities established on the basis of a payment in money, but it can also be some other arrangement that varies with each situation and that has to do with the needs or interests of each part.
Issues in Provision