White Glove Crime
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2018
Crime and delinquency in general are normally associated with acts carried out with a certain violence that are carried out by people of a low social extraction. This conception does not always correspond to reality, since some criminal acts are carried out with procedures non-violent and by seemingly respectable individuals. Two terms are used interchangeably to refer to this type of action: white collar crime or white collar crime.
A general profile of the white-collar criminal
The white-collar criminal is a classic character in literary and film fiction. He is a unique character because he combines two aspects that are habitually opposed: crime and good news. education. In this sense, he appears as an elegant individual, with good manners, cultured and with a air distinguished. Of course, your appearance respectable serves to hide his status as a criminal and camouflage his true intentions.
In keeping with his outward appearance and his good manners, his modus operandi is equally refined. Thus, he does not resort to coercion and avoids violence at all costs. The execution of his plans is extremely careful and sophisticated. It could be said that his crimes have a theatrical component. The profile of these criminals does not only exist in fiction, since in reality this archetype of criminal also appears.
Some white collar crimes
Money laundering and capital evasion are generally carried out in environments with a very distinguished, such as law firms, bank offices or any setting related to prestige Social.
Computer crimes such as information theft, illegal entry into networks or hijacking of web pages are a new version of white-collar crime.
A forgery of a work of art is made by an artist with great sensitivity, but his creativity it is perfectly compatible with the crime.
Certain frauds, scams and scams are also common among white-collar criminals, such as the tocomocho, the stamp or the Nazarene scam.
In many cities the figure of the false gas installer is very frequent, as well as other versions of professional impostors.
Industrial espionage is carried out with advanced technological and scientific procedures and this circumstance allows criminals to hide under the guise of computer experts.
All the crimes mentioned above have something in common: actions contrary to the law present a Format and one strategy totally wrapped up in normality.
Photos: Fotolia - gilbertc / mytree
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