Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2012
On the one hand, it is the word we use when we want to give an account of the robbery or theft that someone suffered. “I suffered the theft of my wallet in the subway.”
Theft that a criminal perpetrates against someone's private property
Therefore, the word is one of the most used terms precisely as a synonym for words robbery and theft.
When someone steals, steals something, a material good, from another that belongs to him, of course he is illegally appropriating it.
In some situations, this criminal act, which is typified in criminal codes around the world, may be accompanied by threats and violence with the mission of intimidating the victim so that he does not resist.
Knives or firearms can be used to threaten and physical violence can also be used, especially when there is resistance from the attacked.
As we well pointed out, this act deserves punishment from the legislation Always, which depends on the circumstances and the background of the offender who perpetrates it, it may involve confinement in prison.
The crime of abduction directly affects people's private property.
The police and the power of attorney are the competent authorities when it comes to investigate robberies, that is, the police must investigate and reach the guilty so that in case of guilt they are subjected to trial and punishment by the Justice.
Obviously, irrefutable evidence must be gathered for there to be an exemplary conviction against the offender.
The term is also often used symbolically to any action or consequence that involves removing something immaterial. "This weekend I decided to get away from my problems and traveled to rest in the field for the weekend."
Mathematical operation that allows obtaining the difference between two quantities
And on the other hand, at the request of the math, the subtraction is one of the arithmetic operations together with addition, multiplication and division, and from which it is plausible to obtain the difference that exists in two proposed quantities.
Likewise, we popularly know it as subtraction and it is symbolized by the sign (-).
The procedure from which it is plausible to obtain that aforementioned difference consists of presenting a certain quantity, for example 9, a part of it is eliminated, such as 3, and then the result of this elimination, which in this case would be 6, is the remainder, meanwhile, the denominations of the first number and the second are minuend and subtrahend, respectively.
As in the addition or addition operation, the minuend will be placed above the subtrahend, organizing the figures in question in columns, which go from right to left and ordered according to units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
It is important to consider some issues that influence the outcome of the abduction how to be: in the event that the minuend figure is less than the subtrahend, ten must be added units; if the minuend is zero it will be considered as a ten, on the other hand if the 0 is in the place of the subtrahend there is no modification.
It is possible to check the result of this operation by adding the result obtained with the subtrahend.
If the minuend is confirmed, then the operation will be done correctly.
It should be noted that the inverse operation to the subtraction is the addition or addition, in which of course carry out the opposite action to add or add quantities to know what is the result of the sum of the themselves.
This operation arithmetic along with the others is taught to people in the school primary school, it is the first thing that students are taught in the matter of mathematics precisely.
As they are basic operations with numbers, they are certainly important because knowing them allows us to perform various calculations. that can arise in our daily lives, when we go to the supermarket to buy, when we are going to pay a bill, among others.
By case it is the first subject that is taught in school, due to the great use that we give it daily, the operations arithmetic exceeds the subject of mathematics, and they are an integral part of our lives and help us in solving various calculations.
The teacher of this subject is responsible for teaching it and ideally for its learning as is the subsequent exercise.
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