Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2012
The word tube It is a term that admits several uses in our language.
To that hollow element, which normally has a cylindrical shape, open at both ends, can be made from various materials and is used in different fields is called a tube.
One of the most famous tubes with which we can find is the tube of test, extremely popular within the scientific context and consisting of a glass tube found closed at one end and its most common use is in chemical or chemical studies and analysis. laboratory.
Another type of tubes that we usually find is that flexible and has a cap at one end and a fold on the other and is used as a container for rather soft substances, one of the most common examples is the tube of an ointment, a hand cream, a toothpaste.
In the field of engineering, a tube implies the component of a pipe, which will be the conduit whose mission is the transport from Water or other types of fluids.
Also, in the electronics, we find a reference, since tube names the cathode ray tube used by televisions or monitors to create the image.
In the sportalso, more precisely in the watersports , the word is common since it designates the maneuver associated with interaction with the wave and that consists of the athlete entering the hollow space that is created at the moment in which the wave hits the breaker.
At the behest of the physiology, the word tube designates those conduits found in the organisms of humans and animals.
And in the colloquial uses of some parts of the world, the word denominates: to the telephone receiver; to the subway / subway, means of transport; to the measure of a glass of beer, wine or cane; and the element that women put in their hair to give it waves.
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