Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2012
The term refer is a transitive verb that refers to the act of sending a message, object or element as well as the act of forgiving or forgiving a debt. The act of remitting is known as remission.
When we talk about the act of remitting, it is very common to relate this term to the field of communication. Thus, forwarding causes a person to become a sender or to perform the action of referral. In all cases, we are designating an act that supposes that a person refers, directs or sends a message, element or object to another. This is the basis of communication since from here the link is established between the sender and the receiver (the person who receives the message). Forwarding can be an obvious act such as when a person mails a letter or package to a specific address. However, many of the actions we perform on a daily basis can be seen as submitting: sending a text message for mobile, the media, a movie, talking on the phone or in person with a person. In each of these cases, the act by which one of the two parties forwards a message to another is always taking place.
The other very usual sense that the word has, but perhaps in a more area professional, is to refer understood as forgiving or forgiving a debt to someone. Thus, the person who remits a debt is the person who decides to forgive or cancel the debt that another person could have with him. The act of remitting debt can occur for many reasons. In some cases, the debtor is not in economic or financial conditions to pay that debt, for which he requests its forgiveness. This is what happens today with many countries of the well-known Third World who request the forgiveness of their debts with organisms like the FBI in order to reorganize their economies. There are several ways to remit a debt, and it may vary according to each case.
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