Definition of Social Security
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
The concept of safety social is a concept that arises mainly in the twentieth century as a result of different situations of generalized, economic, social and political crises that seek then to be appeased by the action of the Condition. Social security is the action that the different States can take to eliminate problems such as the poverty, misery, unemployment, etc. and ensure members of society permanent access to the most important rights.
Social security is a complex phenomenon that is related to the emergence of the welfare state, that State that is in charge of granting the most humble sectors of society access to such rights What job, housing, security, feeding, education. This allows us to establish social security as a characteristic phenomenon of different moments of the twentieth century since previously the States did not take conscience of the importance of complying with these elements.
The ways in which social security can be carried out vary from
country to country and from time to time. However, they are primarily based on securing employment or maintenance of those most impoverished sectors, generally through the granting of subsidies and different welfare plans. In some cases, social security also has to do with the creation and development of full employment plans that seek to generate and reactivate the economy through increased employment in different sectors.In some cases it is difficult to distinguish between social security and chronic welfare that does not imply a true economic reactivation and incentive for the working sectors, if not that it ends up becoming a means of maintaining poverty and the creation of sectors of support towards governments at the level political.
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