Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2010
When speaking of legality, reference is made to the presence of a system of laws that must be complied with and that grants approval to certain actions, acts or circumstances, and as a counterpart disapproves of many others that affect the established norms and current. Legality is, then, everything that is carried out within the framework of the law written and that has as a supposed consequence respect for the life and coexistence guidelines of a society depending on what each one of them understands by such concept.
The law and the state of right
The law is a rule, a rule, that in arule of lawit will imply a precept dictated by a competent authority and that must be respected without exceptions by those who live or coexist in that state in question. That law will require something or, failing that, it will disapprove of something that will be in close harmony with justice and with the common good of the community.
Meanwhile, all those actions that violate a law are specially typified in a code and for each case will imply a punishment that will be linked to the seriousness and nature of the offense.
So the laws what they do is limit the actions and behaviors of men who coexist in a community with the mission of ordering and guaranteeing order and respect for rights of all.
In the absence of a full awareness of all about what is right to do and what is not to ensure peace and coexistence There must be social laws that do ensure and ensure it.
Any state of law that boasts of such will be governed by a normative system and institutions in relation to a Constitution mother who will take care to guarantee all basic human rights. Always, any measure or action will be subject to or referred to a written rule in the rule of law. Because it is the laws that organize and will set the limits of the rights to which any action is subject.
Legality, legal framework to resolve situations and disputes
Legality is then the framework within which there is the entire system of laws that a society has decided to give itself, becoming the space to which those responsible for executing the law resort in search of information on how to resolve this or what situation. It is important here to note that the legal scope of a community may not be entirely shared by other community, especially in regards to ancient traditions and laws that remain in the weather. Hence, many societies enter into conflict when solving common issues, although in that sense international law or legality seeks to establish guidelines of common coexistence that can be organized and resolved according to the interests of all nations in set.
The principle of legality arises already in the oldest societies that began to put in writing the laws that were previously maintained orally and that were the result of the traditions or traditions (customary laws). By putting the law in writing, it is given true entity since its interpretation ceases to be arbitrary or whimsical and implies the submission of each and every individual to its existence. The laws of a society have been established in order not only to solve conflicts or disputes, but also with the objective of organizing and order daily life in countless aspects that can range from commercial and civil to religious, family or individual.
Imagine for a second how chaotic it would be to live and develop in a society in which there is no the legality existed, the rules... Yes, it would be extremely difficult and why not impossible to do it and reach a good port. Legality, that is, living within a legal framework, guarantees us citizens that our rights will be respected as such. and that in the event that this is not the case, we will be able to make the corresponding claim before the justice that will take care of restoring that right affected.
Now, for legality to be a concrete fact, in addition to the existence of the system of rules, it is necessary that society is committed to respecting the laws, because if there is a law and we do not comply with it, it will not make much sense.
Each person has the social responsability to help and contribute to the consolidation of legality and the rule of law and can do it simply, with small actions: cooperating and respecting the law, knowing the basic regulations, condemning and moving away from actions that contravene the legality.