Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
Is named dissertation to the reasoning characterized by being the product of a thought detained and methodical about an issue or matter. Although the term is also used with recurrence to refer to the writing or speech in which that careful and methodical reasoning is made on a certain question or issue. Although it can be written, the most recurrent thing is to find the oral dissertation, which is then the oral presentation that an individual will make on a specific topic.
Commonly the same in addition to having highly elaborate and methodical arguments on the issue it addresses is supported by graphic, visual and auditory means whose mission is to further clarify the topic that is being addressed.
Convey information and convince the public of something
The lectures are almost always given in front of a wide audience, it is rare that they are given in the private sphere, in Therefore, their fundamental mission is usually to expose or transmit information and at the same time convince the audience.
Let us think of the president of a country who needs to raise a significant mass of money and then invest it in the development of infrastructure in his nation, when he meets with foreign and local investors, he will give a convincing speech so that they decide to invest their money and thus be able to get the resources.
As we see in the example, there is a clear purpose of convincing the public to do something concrete from what is exposed.
Main uses
But the dissertations are recurrent in the most diverse fields. The politics It is undoubtedly one of those that uses it the most and in which it stands as an essential tool of the activity of politicians since the candidates of an electoral process, or the officials of a government, use the dissertation to communicate with the population and thus transmit their projects or announce management measures, respectively.
By case it is that mastering a good oratory is essential for political leaders since when it is good it is the key that opens the door to elective offices and wins the favor of the public, on the contrary, when there is a politician who does not manage well in the speeches, even being a good leader, honest and with good ideas, it will be difficult for you to gain support if you cannot convince the public with your oratory.
Dissertations are also applied at the request of the public presentation of services and products.
Companies, every time they present a new product or service, usually carry out a presentation show that will revolve around the itself and in which the presence of the press and also of famous personalities who of course turn out to be conveners will be vital. of the media and also because they will give the launch their support, a kind of approval that will be highly considered by the consumer or client when choosing them.
At the request of secondary, tertiary and university education, dissertations appear as extremely common tools when it comes to self-training of students. The teacher assigns the students a specific topic on which they must speak in class, and on which before carrying out the aforementioned dissertation they must make a conscious and exhaustive investigation.
The most common way, then, to carry out a dissertation is for the person in charge of it to speak about the subject or matter before an assembly, audience or in front of the academic class of her relying on the graphic and audiovisual media related to the subject and that she has previously chosen to present accompanying her dissertation.
“Her dissertation explaining the relationship between language and philosophy It was so clear that we had no doubts about the question”.