Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, on Feb. 2009
A fax is a system of transmission of data, written or graphs by telephone.
A very popular technological device in the last decades of the 20th century is called a fax or facsimile. allowed to transmit documents, texts and other data through a telephone line generating a telecopy.
The fax works simply. It consists of three parts integrated and combined in a single device: a scanner, which is responsible for recording data, texts and images present in the original document; a modem, which allows connection via telephone with another device with similar characteristics; and the printer, which when receiving a new document prints it quickly and economically on paper, producing a copy of the transmitted data.
The creation of the fax dates back to 1851, shortly after the invention of the telegraph. The device was designed at the University of London, in a very rudimentary version. The first faxes could scan only in black and white, whereas with the to run Over the years these systems became much more sophisticated, allowing the
scale gray. Today faxes are multifunction devices that collect information in color, although gray is still printed for an economical and efficient purpose. velocity.Faxes were very popular devices in the middle of the 20th century, such as method transmission of information to distance quickly and accurately, before computers and other related devices reached the greatest popularity and expansion in the market. Many computers incorporated this functionality in the last decades of the century, through software that emulated the characteristics and the functioning of the fax.
Today this type of apparatus is still used due to its reliability for certain types of operations of sending and receiving information, although its use has been relegated to circumstances more or less exceptional.
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