Definition of Flower of Life
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2018
The different geometric shapes have two possible uses or dimensions. On the one hand, they allow the design of works of art or build all kinds of structures; such as buildings, everyday objects, etc.
On the other hand, geometry It has a sacred or divine dimension, since symbols with geometric shapes are very present in different religions and in all kinds of spiritual currents. The Flower de la Vida is a clear example of the sacred dimension of geometry.
Geometric characteristics of the Flower of Life
This geometric structure has the following characteristics:
1) contains a minimum of seven circles, of which all but one have the same diameter,
2) the circles overlap, in such a way that the center of each coincides with the circumference of the remaining circles and
3) the different circles are integrated into a larger one. In short, it is a pattern of perfect symmetry.
The Flower of Life is present in all kinds of religious, cultural and esoteric manifestations
It is claimed that the Creator was inspired by this structure to design the entire universe. This in turn implies that said structure is considered as the "seed of life" (this last concept is present in the Old Testament and for this reason it is part of the
tradition Jewish and Christian).Representations of this geometric structure have been found in the archaeological remains of the Ancient Egypt, as well as in temples of Hinduism or Buddhism, in Phoenician art, in Slavic cultures and in Middle East. On the other hand, in Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" the human body is represented within a structure similar to this geometric shape.
Being present in different traditions, all kinds of analyzes and interpretations related to the deep meaning of this geometric structure have arisen. In general lines it is affirmed that the Flower of Life has an evident esoteric meaning. Through it we can understand the mysteries of life or the energies that flow in the human body.
One of the geometric shapes integrated into the Flower of Life is Metatron's cube. According to various interpretations, said cube expresses the way in which God designed the human body and soul. East symbol is considered a tool to achieve the transformation of the spirit.
An ornament in esoteric merchandising
The esoteric world has multiple branches, therapies and alternative proposals. In this context, those who believe in the mysterious dimensions of life turn to symbols to feel protected. One of the most popular symbols is precisely the Flower of Life.
It is present in tattoos, decorative ornaments or t-shirts. It is said that if we place this object on a wall and observe it carefully we can communicate at a distance with a loved one or project their force energy to solve a personal problem.
In this scenario we find people who use this form simply for its aesthetic appeal.
Photo: Fotolia - i3alda
Themes in Flower of Life