Definition of Easter (Christianity)
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2017
During the Easter period, also known as Holy Week, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words, the path started by Jesus Christ is commemorated in a double sense:
1) the possibility that humans live a full life, reconciled and with a proposal of eternity and
2) the hope for the humanity, for God is able to forgive any sin if man believes in him with him heart.
The term Passover comes from the Hebrew pesach and it can be translated as leap or step. For the tradition Christianity is the moment of transit or passage from the death of Jesus Christ to life.
Easter celebrations recall the last week of Jesus Christ among men
Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem before his death. The olive branches are the symbol of this festival, because Jesus Christ was received among his followers with olive branches.
- On Holy Monday the suffering suffered by Jesus Christ is remembered and is also known as the Passion
- On Holy Tuesday, also known in the Christian liturgy as the Day of the Cross, processions are held in which the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross is exalted.
- Holy Wednesday is the first day of mourning after the death of Jesus Christ. On this day the betrayal of one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, is also remembered. This date marks the end of Lent and the eve of Easter.
-On Holy Thursday in the Christian liturgy remembers the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples. The liturgical acts also commemorate the washing of the feet of Jesus Christ to his disciples and his arrest by the Romans.
- On Good Friday, the liturgy remembers the Death of Jesus Christ on the cross after the Via Crucis.
- On Holy Saturday the passage between the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ is remembered and it is a day of mourning.
- Easter Sunday symbolizes the passage of Jesus Christ from death to life and is considered the most important day of Holy Week.
Beyond the solemn acts of the liturgy, during Easter week Christians must reflect on what Jesus Christ represents in his life, especially what his Resurrection
At the same time, Easter is a invitation to the forgiveness of sins and to the reconciliation of all mankind.
The Jewish Passover or Pesach is an antecedent of the Christian Passover
Jews also celebrate Passover and do it to commemorate their escape from captivity to which they were subjected in Egypt. Jews celebrate Pesach or Passover to remember their liberation as slaves, the conquest of the Liberty as a people and waiting for a saving Messiah.
Photos: Fotolia - Nito / Orlando Florin Rosu
Easter themes (Christianity)