Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2011
The term preserve is a verb that is used to designate those actions that have as their ultimate objective the care and maintenance of any object, space or even living being in the face of possible damages or threats that may arise. The act of preserving or preservation always implies some kind of commitment to something that could be damaged if it did not have such protection.
The notion of preserving can be applied to many different things and situations that have the above in common. Some of the most common are those that have to do, for example, with preserving a building or institution from damage to its walls, preserve an old furniture or toy, preserve a person's life by taking care of it.
However, the word preserve today is largely related to a phenomenon that affects all of us and from which we are the ones who can be directly damaged. We refer to climate change and the damage that is exerted on the environment, damage that in some way or another affects all living beings that inhabit it.
Since the last decades of the 20th century, the idea of ​​preserving the environment environment began to grow stronger and stronger in relation to the increasingly visible damage it was suffering from the advancement of human beings, from the excessive use of their resources and the wear of the ozone layer. Thus, from many parts of the world the idea arose that preserving the planet and the environment were essential so that the damage was limited to the minimum indispensable.
At present, preserving the environment is present in a myriad of situations or actions that one can take and that directly influence the environment we inhabit. All these actions that are based on a more natural and healthy approach to life are precisely aimed at preserving what is natural on the planet and that is found in danger.
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