Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2017
Conurbation is understood as the union of several urban centers. In this way, different municipalities independent of each other gradually grow along the way. over time and as a consequence they are integrated into a new urban area called conurbation.
It is a global phenomenon directly related to the urban development of cities. In this sense, the vast majority of megacities on the planet are the result of this phenomenon.
The urban space of the megacities
Cities such as Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Sao Paulo, México D.F or Tokyo have a size that goes far beyond the traditional urban nucleus and a population which far exceeds 10 million inhabitants and in some cases 20 million. This reality has occurred gradually and in the last 50 years in a very significant way. The areas that surround the core of the city are known as metropolitan areas and their spatial continuity produces a large conurbation.
The megalopolis are multicultural spaces and how rule In general, they have become the economic engines of their nations. However, these are urban centers with some problems: disproportionate levels of traffic, difficulties in the
transport, high levels of stress among its inhabitants, large areas of suburbs with a marginal population and high rates of contamination.Some urban planners consider that the growth of cities should be planned with rational criteria of sustainability
Most of the big cities have grown chaotically and without any kind of planning. So that this phenomenon does not produce greater evils, urban planners propose a series of measures: improvement of public transport and its connectivity, involvement and participation of the citizenship in urban planning, specific metropolitan plans, an improvement in the management of services, etc.
Without proper organization, a megacity becomes a space that provides little quality of life to its inhabitants.
The conurbation of the city of Buenos Aires
When speaking of Buenos Aires, the term Greater Buenos Aires is used, since it is an urban agglomeration formed by a conurbation of different areas.
From a strictly urban point of view it is not correct to speak of the Capital and Greater Buenos Aires as if they were separate areas. However, among Argentines a distinction is made between the Buenos Aires suburbs or Greater Buenos Aires, made up of 24 parties or areas, and the autonomous city of Buenos Aires.
Photos: Fotolia - Zuzuan / Celsius
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