Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
Gothic is called the artistic style that characterized the last stage of the Middle Ages and that became especially visible in the architecture. Traditionally, Gothic art is located in the space of Western Europe, while in terms of time it is It is found mostly from the 12th to the 15th century (although in some regions it was more persistent over time).
Gothic art could be broadly characterized as an art of great elegance and certainly monumental in comparison with the simplicity or roughness of the Romanesque style. This change is due to the alteration of the lifestyle that took place in the last period of the Middle Ages and that meant a slow but progressive urban growth, as well as the rise of monastic orders for which beautiful and grand buildings were built, with the flourishing of richer social sectors and with the reduction of war conflicts that made Romanesque fortresses a necessity essential.
The Gothic style becomes visible in architecture through the
building of huge buildings (usually cathedrals) characterized by the presence of huge windows covered with stained glass of great beauty and complexity, an element that added an important luminosity to the interior and that clearly differed from the Romanesque style. At the same time, the Gothic style leaves aside the semicircular arch to resort to a pointed or pointed arch. It represented an important work of engineering and design Since, properly built, it allowed to support the structure of the building without the need for its walls to be made entirely of solid material such as stone. In general, Gothic buildings then used to reach a much higher height than those of the Romanesque style, thus becoming incredible constructions of impressive size.While the painting wave sculpture The Gothic period have not stood out as much as architecture (perhaps simply because the latter is easily identifiable), we cannot say that those have not existed. In this sense, Gothic painting already shows a greater closeness to the reality observed and represented, although unreal features still remain, such as the dimension of some figures or the proportions and perspectives. The same happened with sculpture, which, in most cases, played a decorative role in the very beautiful and extensive architectural structures.
Themes in Gothic