Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2011
The term refound refers to the action of re-founding something, which is nothing other than establishing or creating something, a city, a school, a road, among other options.
Re-found something, whether material or symbolic, where change prevails
In the re-foundation there will be modification of essences and pillars of what was founded in due time and this happens for various causes that we will see later, normally when We talk about physical things because they were destroyed, and when it comes to symbolic issues such as ideas, because those that exist and command no longer respond to the objectives that are have.
When we speak of the word refound, we must also explain what the term or word "found" means, since According to the rules of the Latin language, the prefix re is used to affirm an idea or to talk about what happens in return.
In this case, the word found comes from the Latin, from the term I will found which means to settle, base, establish.
In this way, the word refound gives us the idea that something will be founded again when it once had been.
It is common to speak of refounding or refounding with regard to, for example, geographical places (such as a city) or also around the idea of institutions.
When the term refound is used, it is common to use it to refer to the refounding, for example, of a city or geographic space.
In history, most of the great cities of Europe, America and elsewhere have had to be founded and re-founded on numerous occasions due to issues beyond the will of their owners. inhabitants, many times due to wars, confrontations or battles as well as natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes or, as is the case in Pompeii, due to the eruption of volcanoes close.
This re-foundation may try to resemble the original foundation but many times, because the conditions change, a completely new city is born from the re-founding and even with another spirit.
On the other hand, the re-foundation can also be of other things or entities, such as when we speak that a institution it is re-founded.
In this sense, refounding can be both practical and abstract or theoretical.
For example, when we talk about the refounding of a museum, we can be talking about both the change of authorities and the change of attitude, of programs, of projects that this museum will have and that will then change its spirit or style.
At the political level, re-founding is usual when the political groups failed to comply with their proposed bases, and then, before the disappointment of their followers and the electoral failures obtained, they decide, for example, to re-found themselves through new proposals and of course a replacement of figures policies.
In any case, whatever the case, refounding always implies a renewal of something that already existed.
The important thing about the term is precisely the idea that something that had already been created, for various reasons, can be re-founded or recreated.
It should be noted that this concept is especially linked to the notion of change many times, as we mentioned above, those issues that are the object of refounding, when they suffer this action, they are often modified, their attitude, their course, their normal physiognomy change, depending on corresponds.
Changes to adapt to a new context or achieve a goal
It is also important to say that the causes of re-founding have to do with the need for what is re-founded to better adapt to a context that has changed, to the present, or to the joint that it is certainly not the same as before, and that then demand an arrangement of things, people, as appropriate.
Likewise, the re-foundation may have its raison d'ĂȘtre in achieving an objective that is different from the original and therefore requires changes in the action plan to achieve it.
We know changes are generally good, people are usually afraid to face them but on many occasions they turn out to be necessary and unavoidable because times advance And it is indispensable aggiornarse not to be left out of possibilities and opportunities.
So, it is not an easy thing to get people to accept a change out of the blue, but if they are explains that it will bring positive consequences, we will surely get their support and adaptation and the achievement of the objective pursued will be faster and more effective.
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