Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2011
The term rhythmic allows you to refer to that this or that is subject to a rhythm or measure.
Proper or relative to the rhythm
On the other hand, rhythmic, will refer to everything that of the rhythm or relative to it.
What is rhythm?
It should be noted that the rhythm It is a rhythmic order with respect to the occurrence of things, that is, it is a movement controlled or calculated that is the result of the ordering of different elements.
In the rhythm sounds, voices, words converge harmonically, which can include pauses, silences and even cuts, which are necessary to fulfill the mission that he himself shows, which is that it turns out to be pleasing to the senses that intervene.
Rhythm is an issue that is present both in regard to the world of the arts as well as in those natural processes that are part of the physical life of the planet, that is, the tides and even the lunar months are closely linked to processes rhythmic.
But of course, as we also mentioned previously, it is in the arts where rhythm is manifested as one of the salient characteristics of these, especially in music.
How is it perceived?
In music, the rhythm will be the proportion that exists between the time of one movement and that of a different one. Because according to how the bars, accents and beats are organized, the way in which the listener will perceive the rhythm of the piece of music in question will be determined.
Human beings perceive the rhythm before certain special events such as the movement of a dancer, the practice of an athlete, the combination of images that inevitably give them a certain rhythm, however, it is in music where the rhythm achieves its full sense.
The musical rhythm is made up of various elements: time, which is what marks the velocity; the pulse or unit of perception; the accent that arises from the pulses; and the compass, which is a combination of beats and accents.
All these elements interacting together in unison will create a more or less harmonic sound that will produce what is popularly known as musical rhythm.
Our brain has a special participation at the time of perception of sounds since our hearing apparatus is in charge of communicating the information that has been captured to the brain. This is assimilated because the brain classifies sounds into frequency bands.
That is to say, there is a neurobiological structure that deals with the capture of sound and the rhythm dimension that it displays.
All human beings have this ability from the cradle, however, we must say that it can be perfected from the study of music.
The body reacts to rhythms
The rhythm always produces an effect in the organism of the people, our heart will begin to beat when we listen to a piece of music.
It has been shown that the body reacts and moves according to the rhythms it perceives.
The time that the sounds and the accent last are essential in shaping the musical rhythm. Meanwhile, if the musical intervals are scattered, the opposite of the rhythm occurs, which is the arrhythmia.
We must say that rhythmic capacity is not only the power of people, some animals also have it, For example, birds, now, human beings are the only ones capable of dancing to the beat of the music that sounds…
In the case of literatureWhether it is narratives or poetry, the rhythm will be indicated by the choice of words and the Balance that they achieve the intervening prayers. That is, if I use many words, I will achieve a slow pace, on the other hand, if I use more direct words and fewer words, I will obtain the opposite: speed.
For its part, thegymnastics rhythmic, It's that one sport that combines elements of ballet, dance and gymnastics with the use of different devices such as the rope, the ball, the hoop, the mazas and the tape, meanwhile, the incorporation of a music will be the one that will indicate the rhythm and how to maintain it during the herself. Is discipline allows to develop both exhibitions and competitive samples.
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