Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2015
The acronym RPG does not correspond exclusively to a specific aspect but can actually refer to different issues: a video game, a language from programming, a type of rocket-propelled grenades and even a therapeutic treatment related to posture bodily, as well as in two other meanings, related to the world of computing and with video games.
RPG programming language
A programming language is a formal language, that is, it is made up of a structure of symbols that are designed to process information that can be adapted to the sphere of computing. In other words, a programming language is a syntax that makes it possible to combine different symbols. RPG is a type of programming language that emerged in the 1960s in the company IBM. RPG stands for Report Program Generator and was designed in order to improve the Format of the elaboration of commercial reports in the field of business. This language is characterized by the mathematical potential to perform a great variety of calculations, by its file structure and its usefulness in the input and output of data.
The RPG video game
The acronym of this video game stands for role-playing game. Its meaning already presents an orientation of the dynamics of the game, since the player plays a specific role. Its main characteristic consists in the fact that there is no script rather, a player acts as a mediator between the different characters and, at the same time, the mediator defines the setting of the game and creates a specific setting. The RPG is a video game that recreates medieval battles and epic worlds full of fantasy.
From the point of view of the programming of the video game, its database internal, the edition of maps that allow to configure very attractive cities and locations and, finally, the customization of the game by downloading scripts.
The use of acronyms
In everyday language, acronyms have a special role. They exist in relation to all topics. Some become acronyms, when an acronym is pronounced in the same way as a word (for example, UFO, AIDS, or bit). The use of acronyms has two different faces. In a sense, it is something inevitable and part of the reality of language. However, it has an impoverishing component of the language and since most of the acronyms come from English, a correct and adequate translation is not always easy.
Themes in RPG