Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
In its most general usage, declension implies a decline, a decline in some situation or issue. “This month's sales unfortunately show a significant decline, we will have to analyze the causes to overcome the same. " On the other hand, the term declension is usually used as a synonym for the word decline. “His power is in frank decline, he will have to modify his policies if he wants to remain in office.”
Synonym of decadence
Decay is everything that suffers from a fall, deterioration, whether in health, on the mental plane or of values, in those cases that speak of an animal or a person; or failing that, the deterioration of the structure or appearance of things or objects.
Undoubtedly, it is a concept that has an absolutely negative and pejorative connotation when applied, since it will always refer to the deterioration of someone in some aspect.
Now, this wear that is glimpsed can be individual or social as well. That is, it can affect a broad social group, a community for example, or a person. In the social case, it will be characterized by lack of respect and
observation of those moral values, family, religious considered as traditional, and that as such their respect is demanded by all. When this does not happen and society in general attacks them, then, we can speak of a clear decline or social decline of this or that society.When a person or his work is said to have fallen into decline, it will be because they have lost the greatness, importance or brilliance that characterized it at some point.
In history we apply this concept to refer to those historical periods in which the destruction of a current model occurs and therefore the end of an era or epoch will be generated.
The end is usually anticipated by a major crisis; This situation has happened with the fall from grace of the great civilizations of antiquity.
With a concrete example we will clearly see this, Monarchical Absolutism, a political system in force since the Middle Ages and until the eighteenth century, went into decline when new ideas appeared in the framework of movement Illuminist or Enlightenment. The privilege of reason and the defense of individual liberties that this movement proclaimed was vital for the development of the French Revolution and the consequent fall of the monarchical regime.
Uses in Grammar and Astronomy
On the other hand, in Grammar, that procedure is called declination morphologic of words, nouns, pronouns and adjectives, with the aim of expressing different grammatical relationships within a sentence. Normally, the alteration is carried out by suffixing, infixing, prefixing, or metaphony actions.
Meanwhile inAstronomy, the declination is called Angle that the star makes with the celestial equator (projection of the Earth's equator in space). That is, we can buy the decline with the latitude geographic. It is measured in terms of degrees and will be positive if it is north of the celestial equator and negative if it is south.
In order to obtain the real declination, it will be necessary to know questions such as the parallax (angular deviation from the apparent position of an object; depends on the chosen point of view), the annual aberration (the difference between the observed position of a star and the actual position as a result of the combination of the velocity of the observer and the speed of light), precession (the change of direction that the instantaneous axis of rotation of a body undergoes in space) and nutation (slight and irregular movement in the axis of rotation of those symmetrical objects that rotate on its axis).
And on his side, the magnetic declination at a point on the earth it turns out to be the difference between geographic north and that indicated by a compass or magnetic north. Conventionally, declination will be positive when magnetic north is east of true north and negative when it is west instead.
Topics in Declension