Definition of Musical Rhythm
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2011
For rhythm It refers to flow of movement controlled or medium, sound, or visual, as appropriate, which will be produced by an arrangement of different elements in the medium in question.
In all the arts we find the presence of rhythm, because it is one of its most basic characteristics, especially in the case of the music, dance and poetry. Likewise, the natural phenomena that we commonly face on a daily basis, wind, rain, among others, will present a rhythm. And to be broader, another inherent characteristic of rhythm, we will be able to find rhythm in almost all the activities that human beings carry out: running, walking, writing, talking, among others.
What is the musical rhythm and its main components
For music the musical rhythm implies the frequency of repetitions, in regular and irregular, depending on the case, of weak, short, long, high and low sounds, in a composition musical.
The musical rhythm will be made up of the combination of various elements such as the tempo that indicates
The interaction of all these components will create a harmonious sound that produces the famous musical rhythm.
The rhythm is closely linked to the beat, the type of time signature used will define both the accent and the musical notes. The rhythm is not written through a staff, only with the musical figure that defines the duration of the pulse. When musical notes are added to the staff, it will give rise to the sound and adding everything: accents, time signature, figures musical and rhythm, the melody.
According to some tests carried out, the duration of the sounds and their accent are very important in shaping the musical rhythm. Meanwhile, if the musical intervals turn out to be scattered, something opposite to the rhythm is generated, which is the arrhythmia.
How is the organic perception of the musical rhythm
The human hearing apparatus is vital when it comes to transmitting the information perceived by it to the brain. This organ assimilates it since people classify sounds into frequency bands.
Our brain has a special and innate structure that is responsible for capturing the sound and the rhythmic dimension, however, studying music allows improvement in this regard. For example, those who receive education musical at an early age will have more acute this issue.
Music is one of the most common interests, inclinations and tastes of people.
Individuals tend to love music, it inspires us, motivates us, and even often acts as a wake-up call for downcast spirits.
Of course, everyone will have their own personal tastes regarding music, but we cannot ignore or minimize its presence. in our lives at all times, even if we do not seek to listen to some music that we like, it is often presented and can wake us up. emotions, heartbeat in the heart, when for example we pass by some place and a certain song is playing ...
The effect of the musical rhythm always generates a reaction in us, that is, it will never be indifferent to us. For example, the heartbeat is activated by listening to the rhythm of a song.
Now, the body's reactions can be diverse depending on the perceived rhythm, according to some studies.
Some animals also have rhythmic capacity like humans, that is, it is not our exclusive heritage.
In any case, the only thing that we do differ from them and they cannot match us is in the ability that human beings have to dance to the musical rhythm.
Themes in Musical Rhythm