Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2011
The term differ is a verb that is used to designate a type of action that can involve three things different, used more or less regularly depending on the scope and circumstances in which they are den. The first use that is given to the word differ is one that refers to the act of not agreeing on something with someone. On second Second, one can differ in the sense of distinguishing oneself when it is said that, for example, one result differs from the other, that is, that it is distinguished. Finally, to differ can also mean to delay or delay something.
The main use that is given to the word differ is when it is said that something or someone differs from another thing or another person in some type of element or asseveration. Thus, it is common to say that someone differs from another in terms of opinion or ideas. It is always understood that differing is a good indication of the coexistence democratic in society since it is assumed that differing always implies
I respect Y tolerance towards different ways of seeing life or understanding various situations that one encounters.The act of deferring is common also when referring to results obtained from various experiments. Thus, a result can differ or be distinguished from the other by showing different essential elements or characteristics: for example, a person reacts differently than another to the same stimulus, which means that the results differ. This is also common, for example when a mathematical exercise is performed and two people, performing the same process, obtain different results.
Finally, the term defer is also synonymous with the term dilate, as when a resolution or resolution is delayed or deferred to a later moment. opinion about something.
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