Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2008
Daily, Newspaper o Weekly, are the different ways to call the first media massive that inhabited planet earth and that in modern times has adopted these multiple names, as a consequence of the periodicity with which it is published, daily or weekly. But of course, beyond this evolution in terms of formats, the newspaper is undoubtedly the only oldest medium (radio and TV came much, much later) on which our ancestors counted on to find out what was happening in their environment and a little beyondNot so much, just across the pond, because of course, technology was still just a dream... at that time there was Internet.
However, that purpose of being only the vehicle of the news that could most interest a certain community It was only at the beginning, because today, newspapers offer a much wider range of possibilities than that of being simple presenters of news agglutinated in the traditional sections in which they were divided so that the reader can more easily find the topic of their interest (
politics, economy, shows, sports, international, culture, humor), also offer other services to the reader how to be: spaces to find jobs, housing, contests that promise to get you out of the poverty, from time to time, when they want to make up lost ground or attract some gain extraordinary that does not derive from its traditional economic income, as is the advertisingThey even bring an additional gift to read or listen to on their pages.Meanwhile, what despite the passage of time has been maintained and even more marked, is the trend that the newspaper decides to assume. There are the most popular cut, sometimes known as yellow press for their most exacerbated and spectacular treatment of the news, or those who hold a more classic and sober style at the time of communication of the facts.
The main difference with the other means of communication (radio and TV), is that beyond the fact that they are currently made more interesting orally and visually, the newspaper is still the best medium for reflection and analysis of current affairs, since it is not as "contaminated", nor does it depend as much on instantaneity as TV and radio.
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