Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2015
A roundabout it's a design special road, circular in shape, and whose mission is to allow the crossing of several roads in order to reduce the succession of accidents that could occur at the intersection of the same if this building.
Basically, a roundabout is an intersection in which the segments that make it up, streets, routes or avenues, are connected, and it has a rotary type circulation around a sphere central, which is normally designed as a plaza. This means that the vehicles that intend to circulate through it do so around this center and always in the opposite direction to how the needles of a clock do it.
Unfortunately, traffic accidents are a constant on the different highways and roads around the world, which is why those who are in charge of the driving of the road safety promote and think constructions and elements, among others, that help in the prevention thereof. They even often have the worst outcomes with hundreds of deaths per year. Especially during the summer seasons where vehicular traffic on the routes is more frequent and constant.
So roundabouts will force drivers to reduce traffic velocity in which they circulate as soon as they are appreciated and also because the radius that they have forces them not to exceed certain speed limit, this directly influences the reduction of accidents, collisions between vehicles.
Normally, before roundabouts, road signs are placed that anticipate them, such as the typical red triangle within which three arrows can be seen that rotate counter-clockwise.
It should be noted that roundabouts are also often called in our language as: roundabout, roundabout and oval.
Although it is a reality that when the term roundabout is pronounced, one immediately thinks of this road intersection special, we must also say that the concept can be applied to designate various constructions that also have of a Format circular, for example, those buildings that have rooms or buildings with circular floors are called roundabouts.
Roundabout themes