Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
In general terms, the term deterioration refers to the degeneration or gradual and progressive worsening that observes something, be it an object, a situation, a person, among others..
Main reasons for deterioration
In this sense, the relationship that someone maintains with another can deteriorate due to successive lack of misunderstanding, affection or displays of affection. Also, an object, a clothing, can suffer deterioration as a result of the passage of time or because it has not been taken care of with the precautions and warnings of the case, for For example, in the case of clothing, pants that were machine washed despite the recommendations not to do it that way, will inevitably deteriorate because of that situation.
How to overcome deterioration of material goods
Objects, clothing, furniture, buildings, among others, sooner or later will suffer deterioration. It is something typical and a direct product of the passage of time and also, as we have already pointed out, of poor care of the object or element in question.
In the particular case of furniture and buildings, it is absolutely possible to restore them and give them back the splendor they used to have without losing their original essence and stamp.
Most of the countries have areas that have a high historical value and that as a result of that long history are deteriorated. Conserving these spaces is a obligation state, therefore, it is very important that resources for such purposes.
Restoration, to beat deterioration
This recovery process is popularly known as restoration and it has become a very common practice among people, it is In other words, in the case of furniture, for example, it has ceased to be a professional activity carried out by people who have been carrying years the job forward to be developed by people who do it as a hobby.
Cognitive impairment
Meanwhile, yes the object of this deterioration is a person, he is referred to as the progressive damage, which to a greater or lesser degree a person observes with respect to their intellectual or physical faculties. This set of mental phenomena that present deterioration can be due to a biological involution proper to the old age or to a pathological disorder that produces atherosclerosis, general paralysis, long-standing mental illnesses, poisonings, among other issues.
A typical health problem in people
Mild cognitive impairment is one of the most common impairments that a person can suffer. It consists of a clinical entity prior to the state of dementia. The most common symptoms that it causes are memory loss and marked impairment in the ability to carry out daily activities. These symptoms usually persist over time. Generally, this type of disease It usually occurs among adults over 65 years of age and it can be effectively diagnosed when the following conditions are present: decline in functioningcognitive during the last year, evidence of them after the pertinent clinical examinations and absence of dementia.
One in ten patients who suffer from this type of disorder progress to dementia or Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common form of dementia, however, an encouraging feature is that in most patients this difficulty does not interfere with the development of their life everyday.
As there is no pharmacological treatment to cure this condition, on the one hand, professional monitoring of the patient who observes this condition will be essential. administering an inhibitor such as cholinestarase to control it and, on the other hand, that he has important social and family support to help him cope with it.
A difficult family dilemma to deal with
In this last aspect we must say that it is not simple and without a doubt, when it comes to health, the having a family member who suffers from cognitive impairment is a tremendous concern and occupation for your family, especially in those cases in which this deterioration makes it impossible for them to develop and manage autonomously and as they had been doing even before falling ill.
For example, it is very common for relatives of people with this health problem to resort to the professional experience of a caregiver or nurse specialized in this type of clinical picture so that she takes care of the family member most of the day.
There are also institutes specialized in these health problems that are responsible for housing and provide the care required by this type of patient and thus alleviate the vicissitudes that this brings to the family.
Impaired Issues