Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
A sinkhole it's a special type of geological depression, characteristic of the reliefs known as karst, a landform generated by the weathering chemistry of certain rocks made up of minerals soluble in the Water, such as limestone, alijez and dolomite.
In the Slovenian language, the language from which the term originates, dolina precisely means Valley or depression.
The sinkholes are usually found in those regions in which the rocks are composed of limestone and clay in various proportions, although it is also possible to find them in calcareous areas, but to a lesser extent measure.
The process of training of the sinkhole consists of the following: the carbon dioxide that exists in the atmosphere combines with the water of the rain and forms carbonic acid, which will proceed to attack the calcium carbonate in limestones and clays and finally transform it into calcium bicarbonate, that it will be soluble in water, therefore, the clay will remain free and will be deposited in the lower areas of the relief forming the so-called sinkholes or depressions.
There are different types of sinkholes, such as: sinkhole of dissolution(they are the product of the loss of I usually, which will be dissolved by the rainwater that first puddles and finally infiltrates), sinking sinkhole (They are formed when the ground sinks into a cavity, due to the collapse of the roof of the same) saucer sink or bucket (when they have a flat bottom and not too deep), funnel sinkhole (when it has a funnel shape; normally this type communicates with the chasm, which is a cavity with subvertical walls that communicates with the surface in question).
The union of many sinkholes is called uvalá and when the union is a greater scale that the uvalá is called polijé.
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