Definition of Official Gazette
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2015
An official gazette is a document published by a public body for the purpose of communicating information with a formal, that is, official nature. Normally the state, an autonomous community or a region publishes this type of newsletter and does so with a certain periodicity. In this way, it could be said that an official newspaper is a Newspaper in which a body establishes mandatory rules compliance.
The fundamental idea of an official gazette is to make known what regulations are in force and, in this way, guarantee access to information by the citizenship. The fact that a piece of information appears in an official gazette means that a authority recognized legal guarantee the veracity and authenticity of said information.
The term official gazette is synonymous with the official gazette and both are used interchangeably (in the case of Spain is more common the concept of official gazette and is known by its acronym BOE, official gazette of the state).
The different official newspapers currently present a
Format digital, since the paper format is still in force but is gradually disappearing. The advantages of the digital modality are evident: it is possible to consult newspapers with delayed dates, consult specific topics by indicating the keywords in the seeker and, ultimately, have a large volume of information.On the content of an official journal
What rule In general, an official newspaper presents the following model: a heading in which the date is indicated, a summary that serves to summarize the content of each standard together with the corresponding pages in the journal and the specific development of the standard or agreement. And all this is divided into sections to facilitate consultation.
Regarding the type of information, laws are incorporated in their different modalities (organic laws, royal decrees, treaties, normative regulations, etc).
It is quite common for information to appear on the appointments or dismissals of public employees with some relevant rank.
The appearance of calls is another of the most common content. In this way, when a state, autonomy or region calls for competitions, all the conditions and requirements that must be assessed by part of the applicants to participate in the access to public employment (number of places, deadlines for delivery of documentation, possible resources, etc).
As legal norms not only have a national dimension but there are organisms supranational, there are also official newspapers that represent a group of nations. The Official Journal of the European Union is a clear example of a situation that goes beyond the state-nation traditional.
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