Definition of May Revolution of 1810
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2017
Since the arrival of the Spanish to continent At the end of the 15th century, a colonial regime of domination was imposed. In the territory of the present Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, a small portion of the north of Chile and a part of Brazil was the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata.
Meanwhile, at the beginning of the 19th century in Europe, Britain and France were at odds and competing for the international hegemony (France dominated large European territories and Great Britain imposed her power in the seas).
To weaken the British, France imposed a continental blockade and no British product could enter the European continent. Because of this, Great Britain had an interest in invading the Rio de la Plata. As is logical, this originated a weakening of the Spanish power over its colonial territories.
The beginning of the Revolution of 1810
In Argentina some groups of intellectuals (among them Mariano Moreno and Manuel Belgrano) began to organize to overthrow Viceroy Cisneros and achieve the
Liberty What nation. At that time, the Spanish King Fernando Vll was imprisoned in France and this circumstance caused the citizenship be organized in boards to demand greater self-government. Finally, in the open town hall on May 22, the decision was approved to remove the viceroy from his post and form a government provisional.Three opposing positions
In this context there were three positions in the debate. The Spanish position represented by Bishop Benito Rué y Riega, who understood that the viceroy should continue in his position. The position of the council maintained by General Pascual Ruiz Huidobro, who understood that the council formed should be the institution to assume the government and defend the rights of King Fernando Vll. Finally, the position of the revolutionary Creoles defended by Juan José Pazo and Cornelio Saavedra among others, who believed that the people should assume sovereignty and elect a new government
After a popular vote, a governing board formed by Viceroy Cisneros, Juan Nepocumeno Solá, Juan José Castelli, Cornelio Saavedra and José Santos de Incháurregui was formed. However, the people of Buenos Aires rejected Viceroy Cisneros as a member of the junta and Cornelio Saavedra was appointed to govern on behalf of King Fernando VII. Thus the Provisional Government Board was constituted.
After the reaction of the people and the militias, the final resignation of Viceroy Cisneros was achieved and the junta was dissolved.
Finally, the Buenos Aires people imposed their will on the council and a new board was formed that is considered to be the seed of the first national government that aspired to full independence from Spain.
In short, in this episode in history there was a revolution social and not a change of political regime.
Photos: Fotolia - bakhtiarzein - Morphart
Issues in May Revolution of 1810