Definition of Wind Chill
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2015
When we refer to the sensation Thermal we allude to two essential concepts: heat and cold. These two sensations are present in our daily life and it is worth understanding what they consist of.
Two temperature levels that influence our life
The temperature what our body has depends on two factors: the outside temperature and that which we perceive as living beings. These two aspects do not always coincide and, in fact, can vary. There are two factors that influence our feeling bodily thermal. On the one hand, the wind, which reduces the feeling of cold that we have. On the other hand, the relative humidity of the environment it makes us feel that the body's temperature is higher than that in the atmosphere.
The sensation temperature is also subjective, since it depends on each individual (each person has a body mass and this causes them to perceive different sensations).
Winds and humidity impact on temperature
According to studies carried out, both wind and humidity alter the body sensation based on certain values. In the case of wind, from ten degrees and in the case of humidity from twenty-four degrees.
Exemplifying from two scenarios
The phenomenon of thermal sensation influences the human being and any other living being, depending on what their physiological characteristics and their particular conditions are. For example, when humans are sick we have a sensitivity different body and something similar happens when we finish exercising. Let's take two concrete examples based on objective scientific measurements:
1- If the wind acts at 32 km / h and the temperature is 10 degrees, the thermal sensation will be zero degrees (this occurs because the body cannot cool the air).
2- If there is a temperature of thirty-five degrees and 50% humidity, our thermal sensation is forty-five degrees.
The thermal sensation in living beings
Humans are homeothermic, that is, we have a constant temperature between 36 and 37 degrees (below we would have hypothermia and above hyperthermia). We therefore have a narrow margin in our thermal sensation and if there is an alteration in it our health suffers. On the other hand, ectothermic (cold-blooded) beings do not need a standard temperature and need a external heat source, the sun, to regulate its own organism (reptiles are an example of animals ectothermic).
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