Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2015
The concept of supply is widely used in our language to account for the supply of those products or goods that the population you need to develop your daily life. A common example is the supply of food to those places such as supermarkets and warehouses that are responsible for selling them to the consuming public.
That is, the supply implies an action in which someone is provided with what they need.
But of course, not only foods are plausible of this action, they are the ones that are most needed and demanded but there is a huge variety of others products for specific use in a sector or for general demand that are also supplied to those spaces that are responsible for bringing them closer to the public.
For example, the word is also applied to refer to those products or merchandise that turn out to be of first necessity.
It should be noted that this term is used as a synonym for the word catering, a term a little more popular when referring to exactly the same thing. The supply of basic necessities is one of the most important activities of the
economy of a nation because it is what allows citizens to stock up on those products that they need yes or yes to live in conformity.As it is such an important activity, it is also usually tied to the complications that can occur in an economy. For example, in an inflation scenario it is common for there to be a shortage or no supply of some goods and products as a consequence that producers retain them because prices oscillate upwards in a way unstoppable.
This situation can be seen in many economies that are suffering an economic scenario like the one indicated, among them Venezuela and Argentina.
Warehouses and supermarkets, to alleviate this situation of shortages, lack of delivery of products and the consequent run by customers towards some missing products, take the politics to sell between one or two units for client of that sensitive product.
On the other hand, private or state-managed public service companies are in charge of supplying the citizenship those services and resources that they handle, such is the case of water, electricity, gas. The client must pay an established fee for their use to said company.
Issues in Supply