Definition of Interinstitutional Networks
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2011
The concept of inter-institutional networks is a complex concept that has its origin in the idea of institution as an exclusive creation of life in society. We understand by institution a very complex structure of functioning that may be embodied in a particular building (such as a school, a company) as well as in a group of people (a family) or in a social bond (such as marriage). The institutions are historical creations of the human being whose main objective is to establishment of a certain social order and certain patterns of coexistence that tend to organize the bonds that develop between individuals.
If we follow this definition, then we will understand that inter-institutional networks are those networks that are formed from the union and the conjunction of several institutions with one another with a goal Similary. When we talk about inter-institutional networks, we are talking about the ties that are established outside an institution with others (not inside, as the idea of an institutional network would be). Inter-institutional networks are usually established based on a shared objective that normally those institutions and groups that are part of the network share to a greater or lesser extent.
Inter-institutional networks can occur between institutions of the same type, for example between several schools. This is the most common and perhaps the simplest type of inter-institutional network although that does not mean that it is less important. Another type of inter-institutional networks are those that can be established between institutions of different types, such as a school with a company, with a solidarity foundation, with a draft political, etc. In this way, we speak of a more complex link because although the objective may be common to all participating institutions (for example, integrating adolescents into different spheres of society), each of the institutions that take part in the network has its particular characteristics, its way of functioning, its members, its hierarchies, etc. Whatever the type, inter-institutional networks are of great importance to contribute to the formation of ties and links between different social groups and to avoid their isolation.
Issues in Interinstitutional Networks