Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2008
There are a good number of explanations for the term signMeanwhile, we will prepare to explain the most common ones and we will start from the linguistic sign.
A Linguistic sign is a reality that can be perceived by some or all of the senses, but in reality it refers to another that is not present. The sign is composed of a signifier, a signified and a referentThese three being inseparable, since from the union of these the meaning is born.
The referent is the real object to which the sign refers, the signifier is the material support, which we grasp from through our senses and the meaning is the mental image that we form in our mind about that sign.
Other signs known to all and that particularly remind me of my teacher of language seventh grade, are the score. These are a tool what have the writing western to make a text much more understandable and not a string of words that never find a stop or pause until the end is reached. They are used mainly to separate ideas, rank them, put them in order, among other things.
The main ones are: period, comma, semicolon, colon, quotation marks, parentheses, question marks and ellipsis.
The sign turns out to be a fundamental tool for the communication human or animal and although it could be believed that this is much more used and decisive in illiterate cultures to be understood without written words, their use, in advanced and verbally literate cultures, is also extremely important, as the technology and the culture for the immediacy that exists today needs a quick response and the signs are usually the best elements to communicate something fast and that the response is just as fast.
The signs are understood by both humans and animals and are specific to a situation or circumstance, in addition, they help us and turn out to be essential to identify feelings, identify companies or represent characters among other things.
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