Definition of Cultural Diversity
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
The word diversity It is a term that allows to refer to the difference, the variety, the dissimilarity and the abundance of different things in a given context. Y cultural It is a term that allows us to refer to everything that is proper or related to culture. This provides enriching knowledge regarding other traditions, and developing mutual respect.
The concept of cultural diversity realizes the coexistence and interaction that exists effectively and satisfactorily between different cultures in the same geographic space.
The existence of different cultures is considered a very important heritage of humanity, since such a question, without a doubt, contributes to promoting and expanding knowledge and also values such as respect and tolerance, because the fact of respecting and tolerating the another who lives next to us, even if they do not manifest the same beliefs and cultural baggage, will always be a step forward as far as people.
Encourages and expands knowledge and respect for what is different
Each culture will make a different contribution and therein lies precisely the enrichment of any culture, to be able to absorb those questions that the one who has at her side presents and she lacks in that appearance. Add the traditions of the other that enrich me and always show willing to coexist harmoniously.
On the other hand, cultural diversity proposes respect not only on the part of our neighbors or those around them and they do not think the same as us. It also implies respect on the part of the authorities who have power in the community in which we live, of course, in case the authority is coercive against those who express themselves against their ideas we will find ourselves before a clear context of lack of freedom of expression, what is popularly called dictatorship, in addition to a very clear practice of segregation cultural.
But the authority, in addition to respecting the ideas of a certain culture, must give the different cultures that make up its community the necessary guarantees to its survival, since it is a frequent situation that a culture is threatened by the advance of another that has a hegemonic vocation, then, the authority or government must intervene to protect the weakest culture and avoid above all things that it disappears, thus disappearing diversity cultural.
The duty of the state should always be to guarantee the equity and the rights of all beyond any type of difference in any aspect, in this case we are addressing, in the cultural, in the meantime, should always promote policies and campaigns that defend minority cultures and of course avoid and sanction any type of discrimination that can be done in this regard.
Globalization and new technologies changed the axis and marked the opening of cultural coexistence
The world today has a completely different position than hundreds of years ago in this regard, fortunately, the globalization It would have been impossible if it had not been given in an open frame in every respect.
In times past, civilizations kept their cultures isolated and separated from the rest, they could interact, but a distance was always kept, it was not tried that the different cultures coexisted as it happens today.
Currently and as a consequence of various factors that have to do with the evolution and the new technologies this has radically changed and so the differences in this sense have been progressively eliminated.
For example, today, we can appreciate how a common and global culture that synthesizes diverse cultures emerges from the fusion of different cultures.
The development of technology, as we have already indicated, was undoubtedly the engine of the shortening of distances, generating more efficient and instantaneous transport and communications between the most distant cultures and various. This obviously had a positive impact on bringing cultures, people, who were born in a place and raised under a given cultural background and then they went to work in a totally diverse culture but they were able to adapt and blend their cultural history with that of the destination country.
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