Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2013
The word hurt assumes various uses in our language ...
One of the most widespread jobs is for indicate the pain or suffering that an individual suffers as a result of an accident, illness, or the succession of an unfortunate and sad event.
The motorcycle accident caused irreversible damage to his brain.
On the other hand, in the field of right, the word damage occupies a special place since it in this context designates the damage that a person causes, either in the heritage or in the person of another individual.
More precisely is the civil branch of law that typifies harm as that damage or detriment that is caused or generated to a person, after the action or omission of another and that will end up affecting, either his person or his material assets and interests.
It should be noted that the damage can have several origins: fraud or guilt (It is the deliberate will to commit damage or crime knowing of its illegality), a fortuitous event (an unpredictable event makes it impossible to
compliance of a obligation expected) and force higher (It consists of a fact that in no way could be avoided or foreseen).When the origin of the damage is fraud, whoever commits it must, yes or yes, compensate the person who damaged, and in some cases even fulfill a sanction criminal court for his action. Will it be justice or a authority competent authority that will understand the case and determine according to the rule in force, the sanction that falls to the one who commits malicious damage against another.
Let's look at two specific examples of malicious damage to better understand the concept at hand. An individual who collides with his car to another and is proven by skills that he has the responsibility, you must compensate the counterpart by paying the repair of the damage to the vehicle.
Generally, this is managed through the insurance companies of each party.
Meanwhile, if a criminal assaults a person with an armed hand and injures them in doing so. Once his guilt is proven from a compliant judicial procedure, he must pay for that damage by serving a prison sentence that will vary according to the contingencies and consequences of the act.
Issues in Damage